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[[red underline]] Hasslacher [[/red underline]] there but [[red underline]] Williams [[/red underline]] missing. Sales only [[red underline]] $23000 last [[/red underline]] month. [[red underline]] Peters [[/red underline]] said we ought to be congratulated to shore up as well [[red underline]] under these times [[overwritten]] when [[/overwritten]] of [[/red underline]] war and depression in electrical industries. But [[red underline]] Hasslacher [[/red underline]]
protested that there was no cause of congratulation and that [[red underline]] bakelite has not sold as much and as
easily as we expected. [[/red underline]] I
took lunch at Ratskeller of Woolworth building then went to Perth Amboy.  They were experimenting with plastic sheets
improvements, and had made some phonograph plates with Thurlow's molding mixture.
But what pleased me most was to hear that the trouble with [[red underline]] transparent material [[/red underline]]
C No. 20 [[red underline]] seems to be located [[/red underline]] and that there was good hope of preventing it.  This is
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[[start page]]
[[symbol of circle topped by cross in top left margin]]
now just two months since alarm was sent out. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] I feel somewhat more hopeful.  This
is the [[red underline]] first good news we have had since quite some time. [[/red underline]]
Very foggy weather.  Ferry boats on
river have much trouble in crossing
Went to see a [[strikethrough]] comedy [[/strikethrough]] ^[[farce comedy]] "It pays to adventure"..
Dec 3.  Weather clears up.  Afternoon 
took a long walk north.
Dec 4. 1914 Walked from Yonkers to 59 st.
Then went to Brooklyn Laboratory     (Charge 2 hours).  
[[symbol of circle topped by cross in left margin with note]] 2 hs 
[[/symbol and note in left margin]]
Peter not there. Paulus was drying his apparatus for formates. Took [[strikethrough]] lunch at [[/strikethrough]] supper at University Club. Home with 10:45.
Livermore & Hiram Taylor in train
Dec 5. 1914  Our advance orders this month amount already to about [[red underline]] $23000 [[/red underline]] of which the biggest part (125 barrels) is [[red underline]] for Westinghouse. [[/red underline]] I am somewhat uneasy of having our biggest part or orders by [[red underline]] one single [[/red underline]] customer.