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laboratory of [[red underline]] Royal Baking Powder [[/red underline]] Co.  Paulus is modifying his formate apparatus to provide it with air jacket. His yields of formate are very low altho' gas absorption is good. But most formate seems to decompose to carbonate. [[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]]  is still busy determining real amount of tartaric acids in his solutions obtained from electrolysis of pure glyoxylate. Ordered Waldenberger to crystallize and evaporate all his mesotartaric solutions.  Charge 3 hours. 
[[symbol of circle topped by a cross in left margin with note]] 3 hours RR.P.Co.
[[/symbol and note in left margin]]
Went for supper to University Club. 
Home with 8:45 P.M
Dec 30.  Bright sunny weather. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] got letter from her sister in law saying connections between Holland and Belgium have become so strict that it is [[red underline]] no longer possible to send letters. [[/red underline]] 
Sunny bright weather rather mild. Went to Perth Amboy. Rossi tells
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me [[red underline]] this month will be record month [[/red underline]] for weight of shipments over [[red underline]] 115000 lbs. [[/red underline]] and one of the largest if not the largest in value. This is [[red underline]] a good closing of this horrible year. [[/red underline]] Our sales will be slightly higher than last year but no decided advance as was the case last year. [[red underline]] Thurlow [[/red underline]] showed me some dark red and some black molding made with his new way of mixing and which all electrize on friction and have a very high dielectric coefficient. This is so much more important because [[red underline]] these mixtures are made according to my first patents [[/red underline]] using [[red underline]] aqueous solutions [[/red underline]] and the very fact that the very highest dielectric properties have been [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] obtained this far by a wet process shuts out any argument in favor of the so called dry processing.  We are only waiting now for
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