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[[centered]]Nov continued[[/centered]]
[[right margin]] |B|E|
[[left margin]]Thurs 8 shucked corn in barn.
F & F to Rollins in morning 
stripped tob all day. 
F & F to Edelens & Frank Wards 
in morning, fixed patch on 
ceiling in my room. F to B.W. 
much colder & windy, 
[[right margin]] |||2
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[[left margin]] Fri 9 shucked corn. started putting
up wall board in [[?]] 
room. F to Vias to finish cutting
corn in aft. F to BW. 
Robert to dance at school. 
[[right margin]] |||1
[[separation line]]
[[left margin]] Sat 10 shucked corn,fixed on
rooms. F took men to store 
about night 
Kent at night. 
[[right margin]] |[[vertical]]1.80[[/vertical]]||x
[[separation line]]
[[left margin]] Sun 11 F to Washington place in morn 
All to Lucys for day, F to Vias 
at night. Robert to movies 
at Waldorf at night, pretty day.
[[right margin]] |||1
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[[left margin]] Mon 12 Earl for day helped on walls,
nice day, shucked
corn all day, F to mr
meinhearts at night,
[[right margin]] |||x
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[[left margin]] Tue 13 cloudy with rain in morn
F & T to Washington BW & [[?]]
shucked corn, took hay to Rabit T
[[right margin]] |||2
[[separation line]]
[[left margin]] Wed 14 rainy day,stripped Tob
all day, boys took hay to man
by Claude taymans. F & F to
meinheart, F to Vias at
night, made fruit cake,
[[right margin]] |8||x
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[centered]]Nov con[[/centered]]
[[right margin]] |B|E|E
[[left margin]]Thurs 15 made fruit cake
stripped Tob. F to Aggies &
B.W. got 1 doz eggs 93 cts.
[[right margin]] |||2
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[[left margin]] Fri 16 stripped tob, put up
molding in rooms.
|sent packages to mary[[4 horizontal dashes above & below]]|
Robert to Dance at school.
[[right margin]] |||1
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[[left margin]] Sat 17 stripped tob, got load of wood
& clipped it up, got in corn & fodder
Brandt, F. F & I to St Pauls Supper
cold & windy. F to Vias at night
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[[left margin]] Sun 18 Franklin Adnia Mae & I to see
Cousin Genie, cold & windy,
Bobbie Rallins at night,
F took Adnia home at night,
Gantt in morning.
[[right margin]] |||1
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[[left margin]] Mon 19 some cold, got in corn &
fodder, Mr swann took
hay & straw to him in aft
F to Frank Wards in aft,
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[[left margin]] Tue 20[[0 is written over 1]] F to Frank Wards in morning
shucked corn & cut wood,
[[underline]]Cold[[/underline]] & windy
[[right margin]] |||1
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[[left margin]] Wed 21 hauled wood clipped wood
stripped Tob, Disked land.
F to Waldorf gone most all
day, got mill for grinding,
F to Vias & movies at night
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