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June Con
sun 8 
|  B  |  E  |  E
Robert to movies at Waldorf. F & Minerva to church & to Washington place. F to Vias. Adnia Mae for little while in aft. 
|  | 26
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mon 9 
picked over tob in morning drew plants & planted some tobacco. F to post office sent letter to Lounsend Nurseries. thunder storms & rain in aft  
| | 17
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tue 10
hacked tob. drew plants & planted with planter. Bill & Lonise Minerva went home with them. F to Vias at night. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]] |[[vertical]]2.00[[/vertical]]|[[vertical]]1.00[[/vertical]]|18
[[Separating line]]
wed 11
drew plants and planted tob all day. F to Hicks in morning. Cooler
|[[vertical]]3.00[[/vertical]]| |21
[[Separating line]]
thurs 12
drew plants & planted all day. F to Vias at night clear & cool. washed. Aggie.
| [[vertical]]1.80[[/vertical]]|25|23
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fri 13
F & F took tob to market in morn. disked land in aft also planted tob. chopped in corn. F to Bank.
| | 18
[[separating line]]
sat 14
planted potatoes took stoves down. F to Vias about night. F & Robert to Dysons Brandt & wife, Kent & Robert out at night.
[[vertical]]1.50[[/vertical]]| |24
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June Con
|  B  |  E  |  E
Sun 15
^hot today.^ F & boys down on place in morning. F to Vias in aft. F & Robert to Copseys in aft got back 8 oclock. [[underline]] high [[/underline]] &[[underline]] hot [/underline]]
| | 17
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mon 16
culivated tob Maggie Ruth & Norman in morning hot. watered tob beds. | |26
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Tue 17
got fertilizer got up tob land down by meadow hot, rain & storm in aft. F to Vias at night.
| | 17
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wed 18
F took Maggie home in morning drew plants & planted some. Started cutting hay by Billinseys planted sugar corn, peas, beans & pumpkins. F to Hicks in aft. Henry R. about night cut hay by road at night
| | .25|23
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thurs 19
culivated corn & tob. cut hay. bailed up and got in hay. Aggie. F to Waldorf.
|[[vertical]]2.40[[/vertical]]| | 21
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fri 20 
culivated tob planted tob. started cutting wheat in orchid. bailed up and got in hay. nice day cool.
|.30 | |25
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sat 21
picked over tob F & F to Marlboro in morn. drew plants & planted down by meadow. Brandt & wife. showers & cooler. Robert out with Taymon boy at night.
|[[vertical]]1.80[[/vertical]]| |22

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Transcription Notes:
I used | | | to notate the right hand column at the end of each section