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June Con

[[5 columns-1st 2  unlabeled; 3d labeled 'B'; 4th labeled "E"; 5th labeled "E"]]

[[Col.1]] 22 Sun  [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] cloudy all day. Lucy & Charley for day. Henry for short while in aft. F to Vias about night. [[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] [[blank]] [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] [[blank]] [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] 24 [[/Col.5]]

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[Col.1]] 23 mon  [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] rain last night. picked over & hacked tob all day. Kate, Eleanor & Jefferies in morning. cloudy & showers [[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] [[blank]] [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] [[blank]] [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] 26 [[/Col.5]]

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[Col.1]] 24 Tue [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] Frank & R to tob market finished stripping hacking & took last of tob to market in aft. drew plants & planted in aft. Aggie. F to Vias at night [[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] 2.40 [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] 1.50 [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] 26 [[/Col.5]]

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[Col.1]] 25 Wed  [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] culivated corn & tob, planted some tob in aft. cut hay & wheat. some hot  went over the potatoes with harrow [[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] .30 [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] [[blank]] [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] 18 [[/Col.5]]

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[Col.1]] 26 Thurs  [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] cut & shocked wheat got in hay. bailed it up F to Vias at night (Huckleberry) [[underline]] hot [[/underline]][[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] [[blank]] [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] [[blank]] [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] 28 [[/Col.5]]

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[Col.1]] 27 Fri  [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] cut & shocked wheat all day got in some hay. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]] [[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] 2.50 [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] [[blank]] [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] 25 [[/Col.5]]

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[Col.1]] Sat 28  [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] culivated tob in morn. planted sugar corn. F & R to Copseys & Co. Brandt. F to Vias in aft. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]] [[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] 1.50 [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] [[blank]] [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] 22 [[/Col.5]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]


June Con.

[[same columns as on preceding page]]

[[Col.1]] 29 Sun  [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] [[underline]] hot [[/underline]] Grace & fam for day F to Vias after dinner. Robert to movies at night storm with rain & wind about night & at night [[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] [[blank]] [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] [[blank]] [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] 22 [[/Col.5]]

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[Col.1]] 30 Mon  [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] cooler. cloudy & showers planted tob. worked garden took fertilizer to Dyson.  [[underline]] sent letter to Townsend F to BW [[/underline]] F & boys down on place in aft. Mr & Mrs Conner. F to Vias & movies
[[horizontal line across entire page]]
Robert out on corner to make telephone call  [[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] eggs got [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.5]]  25 [[/Col.5]]
[[Col.4 & 5]] 679 [[/Col.4 &.5]] 

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[Col.1]] blank [[/Col.1]]
[[Col.2]] Butter sold $ 23.40
          eggs sold   $  8.40
                  [[line under numbers]] 
                      $ 31.80[[/Col.2]]
[[Col.3]] [[blank]] [[/Col.3]]
[[Col.4]] [[blank]] [[/Col.4]]
[[Col.5]] [[blank]] [[/Col.5]]
[[horizontal line across entire page]]

[[end page]]