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Nov 1st
Tues 1 [[vertical line]]   Got in some corn. R. took Mrs. Via to B.W government place 
for table. out  again in aft,
 nice day. [[vertical line]] 2

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Wed  2 [[vertical line]]   Picked some corn in morning & combined some soybeans in aft. out on corner at night & to take Mrs. Garner??]] to Washington 
to take buss for Pa. [[vertical line]] 2

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Thurs 3 [[vertical line]]    rainy in aft. Frank Ward brought car back in Morn.finished combining black soy beans 
in morn F. to Bonds Leysons to see about getting hogs. R out in aft + at night. colder. Mrs Vias & Adina [[vertical line]] 3

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Fri 4  [[vertical line]]   got 6 hogs from Fran Chinerman down
by Cederville. F & R out all morning. Adina brought Franklins suit home cold & windy [[vertical line]] 2

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Sat 5 [[vertical line]] R out all morning & F to Cheltinham 
in morning to get hair cut, cold & windy F & I to turkey supper. R out at night & to work on corner from 12 to 8 in morning [[vertical line]] 3     

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Sun 6 [[vertical line]]    with Adina Mae & Mrs. Via into Hagerstown for day to see cousin Connie. R worked out on corner from 4 to 12 tonight. Grace & fam- in aft. cold but fine day. [[vertical line]] 1
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Mon 7  [[vertical line]]    rainy day. no one worked. F & R to Frank Ward's in morn. to get car fixed. R out in aft. Frank to
Waldorf in aft. R had to go for him got home at 10 o'clock at night.
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February 1953                                        sold sold got
[[strikethrough]] Sun [[/strikethrough]]                                 B    E    E

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Sun 1    F & boys to church. F with Rabit T. to  Charles & St Marys for all day. F to Vias in aft. Robert took moter out of his car. cold and windy. Kent in morning. [[3 columns, 1st two are empty. 19 in third]]
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Mon 2    No one worked. Franklin to Marlboro in  aft. Mr. Pleasanton. seeded grass seed over on place. F to Via's at night. Robert to see Kent & to Mickeys about night Earl & boy. Kent at night. [[3 columns on right. .60 in 1st, 2nd empty, 20 in 3rd]]
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Tues 3   seeded grass seed in morning. got in wood,cleaned off tob beds in aft. F & I down to see Mr. Hamilton in aft. 
Kent, Robert to BW. he & Franklin fixing on car, cold & cloudy. [[3 columns on right, 1st 2 are empty. 22 in third]]
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Wed 4 made 1 tob bed. cloudy. Margaret in morning. F & F to Margarets in aft to see about Bullnozer. F to Vias at night Kent Robert out with him at night. [[3 columns on right. 1st two are empty, 25 in third.]]
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Thurs   made 1 tob bed, got Bulnozer from Frank Ward. Robert took his car to Frank Wards, got small tractor from Waldorf. F to Vias at night. cold. [[3 columns on right, 1st 2 are empty, 23 in third.]]
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Fri 6 took fodder to colored man below T.B. shilled corn & took it to Mr. Via in aft., F disked up some land for seed. (Sent check to Mary) burnt off old tob beds at night. took hay to Jew   at B&YW. nice day. washed. [[3 columns on right. 1st 2 are empty. 23 in third]]
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Sat  7 F & F to Westwood Bendick & Waldorf in morning, stripped some tob. rain last night & this morning. took hay to Mr. Cochran at T.B. F & Robert to Leysons in aft. F to Vias about night. Brandt & wife in aft. [[3 columns on right. 2.70 in 1st, 2nd empty, 23 in 3rd]]
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