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Feb Con

Sun 22
John Bond for corn. Robert over there and getting logs out. F to Vias in aft. Frank & I over to Gracie in aft. colder. Robert out on corner at night. Column B: E: E:22

Mon 23
Stripped tob. [[Norris?]] worked 1/2 day, burnt of field by barn & over in back field in aft. Robert out at night. Pretty day. Column B: E: E:31

Tue 24
stripped tob all day. F to BW.&B. man to buy land. F&F to Marlboro with him. Fr to school at night. Kent Column B: E: 6.00 E:16

Wed 25
cleaning in field also burning off field. [[Tatermore or Latermore]] for hay. man about land. F&F to Waldorf Robert to Chiltenham for hair cut F to Vias at night. John Bond he gave us a dog Column B: E: E:26

Thurs 26
cleaning over in field by meadow. F&F measuring land on Highway in morning Sears for ground feed. F&I to Waldorf in aft for shoes ^for me^ & [[c.]] Mr McVay. F to Vias at night. Column B: E: E:25

Fri 27
F took hay to McVay in morn. cleaning over in field. took hay and corn to Ellis at Ashbox in aft. cloudy and windy. Robert out at night to Buss termal & [[c.?]], pulling [[Guchic? Gushes?]] up over in field in aft. Column B: Butter sold E: Eggs sold E: 25

Sat 28 
Bullnozed & pulled stumps over by meadow in morning. Very windy. F. to Vias in aft. Brandt & wife. Robert out on corner in aft. F to Dysons in aft. Francis Dysons for rake to handle corn. 21.40 Column B:1.80 $9.90 E:$11.50 E:68
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[[beginning of page]]
                         March 1953

Sun 1
Frank to church F to Vias in aft & back with Adina Mae to do the milking and back to Vias. Robert fishing no fish. Robert out on corner in aft & night. Column B: E: E:24

Mon 2
no one worked today. Snow last night & today colder. F&F to BW & TB & Waldorf in aft. Robert out on corner for a short time. Mr. [[Pleasantonin]] in aft. Column B: E: E:28

Tue 3
no one worked. cold rainy in aft F&F to Hicks & to see Bond in morning Mrs Freeman for some wood in aft. Column B: E: E:26

Wed 4
stripped tob all day. rain last night and today & again tonight. F to Via at night. Robert out at corner at night for a short time. windy Column B: E: E:24

Thurs 5
stripped tob all day. Franklin to Post Office in aft. (sent check to Mary) F took fodder to Mr Via in aft. John Bond for corn. windy. F to Vias at night. Robert out on corner at night. Column B: E: E:22

Fri 6 
Frank & Robert down in St Marys for hay. F to Vias about 11 oclock and again at night. Robert to dance at Bus terminal at night nice day. Column B: E: E:27

Sat 7
unloaded hay. Norris cleaned over by meadow F & F to Waldorf & TB. Robert out on corner in morn F & I took Margaret, Adina Mae & Pattie to flower show in aft. Brandt in aft nice day. Column B:1.80 E: E:22
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Transcription Notes:
The name of the family people are visiting in these pages is Via (see this page from the Smithsonian: This information should be propagated across all documents. Entry on Thurs 26th - the word shoes is a good example for how the author's "s" looks at the end of a word.