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                              March [[3 columns labeled B, E, E]]

Sun 8
Mr Brooks for hay soon in morning. Kent in morning. F to Vias after dinner. Robert out on corner or somewhere all afternoon, snow last night and most of today. Robert out on corner at night to work.[[3 columns 1st 2 blank, 25 in 3rd]]
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Mon 9
snow still on ground. no one worked. F to Post office & Leysons in morning. F to Vias after dinner. cold. [[3 columns on right, 1st blank, 4.80 in 2nd, 30 in 3rd]]
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Tue 10 hauled brush off of land by granery and pushed some in gully with bullnozer in morning working over in back field in aft Robert hauling hay for John Bond & Rabit T in aft. Joe worked all day. Norris worked 1/2 day. Franklin called up Mrs Brecken[[strike out]]. [[3 columns on right. 1st two are blank, 19 in 3rd]]
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Wed 11 hauling off brush over in back field all day. cloudy & cold & windy. Robert to Waldorf after school for Rabit T for waggon. Wallace Robey at night. Kent & Robert to see their girls. F to Vias at night. [[3 columns on right, 1st two are empty, 21 in 3rd]]
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Thurs 12
rain last night & today & tonight. stripped tob all day.F & F to Marlboro in morning. Mr Clark & another man about fish pond. Mrs Gravis & sisters. in aft. F to Vias at night (got 1 tank of gas for stove)[[3 columns on right, 1st two are empty, 18 in 3rd]]
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Fri 13
stripped tob all day. Mr & Mrs Conner in aft. Robert to buss terminal at night. warm & nice. [[3 columns on right, 1st two are empty, 21 in 3rd]]
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Sat 14
stripped tob. F & R took hay to ashbox in aft. F to Waldorf gone till near 9 oclock. Brandt & wife F to Vias after dinner Robert out at night said he was going to Baltimore. nice day [[3 columns on right. 1.80 in 1st, 2nd blank, 18 in 3rd]]
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March [[ 3 columns labled B,E,E]]
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Sun 15 Robert out on Corner all day. F to Vias about night. F & F to Rabit T. in morn. with fish for mom. Milton Grace & Bourne in aft. rain all day. Frank out on Corner Mr Sulann in morning also Mrs Babcock for potatoes. [[3 columns on right, 1st two are empty, 21 in 3rd]]
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Mon 16 F & F took hay down on Gorden Badens place in morn. pulled up trees in aft down in fish pond. nice day. Robert to Frank Wards in aft. got car for some man and out on corner at night. Mr Pleasanton in aft blew out stumps out by tob beds in aft. [[3 columns on right, 1st two are empty, 23 in 3rd]]
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Tue 17 Franklin bulnozing by fish pond & over in back field. Mr Goldman & girl from Germany in aft. Robert out on corner + to Frank Warde at night. Aggie. nice day washed. [[3 columns on right, 1st two are empty, 23 in 3rd]]
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Wed 18 worked over in field in morning. rain in aft & night stopped work. F to Vias at night. Lonzer for eggs. Robert out at night dont know where [[3 columns on right, 1st empty, 3.00 in 2nd, 18 in 3rd]]
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Thurs 19 Stripped Tob all day got tob from over on place. F to Vias just about eleven oclock for day. Robert took corn to ash box in aft. F to Brandt Early in morning. F to Bank in aft. [[3 columns on right, 1st two empty, 24 in 3rd]]
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Fri 20 stripped tob all day. F to Vias for day. state road men to see Frank. Mr Sears for hay. F & F took hay to him in aft. F back to Vias in aft. Robert to Buss terminal at night. pretty day. [[3 columns on right, 1st empty, .25 in 2nd, 23 in 3rd]]
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Sat 21 disked land sewed grass seed & Harrowed thim in down by meadow. F & R to Waldorf in aft. F to Vias in aft. Brandt. man from North Carolina about tob cottons. stripped tob. pretty day. F & R got home from Waldorf at nine oclock some [[underline]] high [[/underline]], R out on corner at night. [[3 columns, 1.80 in 1st, scribble in 2nd, 22 in 3rd]]