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      April  con
 F over home at night fishing.

Wed.29 put lime on land down on place
all day.Robert to walford in afternoon.
Planted dahlias and Gladds.Maggie Helen Earl and Lewis at night.

thurs 30 harrowed in lime down on other
 place in morn,plowed out by uncle Jims 
road in aft.Robert plowed down at the in morn,Robert to marlboro & out again at night.F to Vias at night,F to Waldors gone all day [[underline]] high [[/underline]].Piced tob beds,rain in aft

Eggs got 90

Eggs sold for month $17.25
Butter sold for month 8.40
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     May 1953
 hot & windy
Fri 1 stripped tob all day. F & I to woodville & Waldorf in aft. F&F to Waldorf in new corn planter.
 Sat 2 Robert took things to Maggins. Bulldozed out in woods & getting stump off. F took me down to hill in aft. Brandt & wife brought me back.F & Dysons, F to Vias about night. Robert to dance at clinton at night. F got fertilizer from dyson. new kind.
2.40/ /21

Sun 3 F to Vias for dinner. Mr and Mrs Shinerman in aft Robert out on carrier was a nice day. Set 4 hens. 48 eggs.
/ / 26

Mon 4 Picked over tob in morning, picked tob beds in aft. Started planting corn over in back field in aft. nice warm day. F to Vias at night. Robert down to help Buddy cook at night. 
/ / 28

Tue 5 rain last night and this afternoon. F & F to tob market. Robert took tob to Waldorf in morn. Aggie. Robert to Buddy cooks after school. picked over tob all day. F to Vias at night.heavy rain storm in after night.

Wed 6 F & F took tob to Waldorf. rain in aft, fixed windows in aft. Mr. Clark at night. Robert out at night striped tob most all day. [underlined]hot[/underlined]
/ / 27

Thurs 7 rain last night & this morning, stripped tob, F&F t Waldorf to market, Robert to Baltimore with [[?]] F started painting his room in aft. F to vias at night. Robert out at night. (Sent chick to Mary)F to Post Office. 
/ 4.80/24

Transcription Notes:
i believe 'tob' stands for tobacco.