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July Con

Wed 8
replanted tob - F worked on fish pond Robert planted some tob. F to Waldorf gone all aft. till 8 oclock Aggie in aft. nice day 
 B   |  E  |  E

.60  | .50 |  23


Thurs 9

got gas from Lonza raked up & got in hay. stove man. Baled hay & straw for Lushy. F to Park + T.B. got chick feed. Robert out at night. 

       |    |  24


Fri 10

culivated tob in morning. Baled up and got in hay in aft. F to Dr Webbers & Vias at night. nice day Kent + Robert out at night.

    |  6.00  | 26

Sat 11 

F + boys crabbing + to Bendick in morning. F to Vias in aft. Robert to get his car washed. Brandt wife + Mrs Neal. F to Taymans + to Dysons Carl + boy 

  |1.20 |  | 20


Sun 12

F + F down on place. Robert to Bond + Rockwells gone all day and out again at night. F to Vias in aft. Mr + Mrs Garner in aft 
  |  | 19


Mon 13

Saccer got 2 calves Robert down to Dysons all day. F to Waldorf for piece for tractor. pretty day.
  |  | 20


Tues 14 

Robert to Dyson for day. F + F to Marlboro + Baltimore. Aggie Mr Clark to see about tobacco put in woods. Mr + Mrs Moor. F down there to disk up their garden in aft. 
  |  50 | 21

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July Con  | B | E | E

Wed 15 
fixed fence + gate over by cow pen + meadow. Mr Clark put stuff on weeds Robert to Dysons at night. F to Vias at night, [[underline]] hot + dry [[/underline]] Noris cleaning fence line off by burnt barn
|  |  | 24


Thurs 16
started putting weatherboarding on front of stable in morning. F to BW & Lonzas in morning. Robert to Dysons in aft + again at night. F to Vias at night [[double underline]] hot [[/double underline]]
| | | 17


Fri 17

F + F down to bail hay. rake hay for man down by Freemans gone all day. Nelson B in morning Robert with Dyson all day to B.W. [[double underline]]hot[[/double underline]]. F + R took hay to ashbox at night. F to Vias at night 
|  |6.00| 26


Sat 18
culivated tob. Robert with Dyson all day. F to Dysons &c gone to 8 oclock F to Vias at night Aggie. Brandt in aft. [[underline]] hot + dry [[/underline]]
|1.20|  |20


Sun 19 
hot day. got 1 tank of gas for stove. F to Vias after dinner + he Adina Pattie + back to do the milking. Robert to Dysons after dinner.
|  |1.20 | 19


Mon 20 
Robert with Dyson all day, F. F. + I up to see Margaret in morning. F buldozing by barn in aft. Maggie Helen Earl + boys at night [[underline]] hot [[/underline]]
|60|  |22


Tues 21
F + F took tob to market for bread F gone all day. F to Marlboro in aft. Buldozed some by barn in aft. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]] Mr Lyons Mr Goldman. |  | |18
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