Viewing page 18 of 104

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[[centered]]Aug Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sat 15 | fixed on stable doors & painted
some. F took hay to Danville &
to Dyson. Robert with Dyson all
day & out at night.
[[separation line]]

Sun 16 | Frank Robert & I to Grace in
aft. Robert out about night
F to Vias after dinner. he & Adina
to do the milking.
[[separation line]]

Mon 17 | heavy storm all last night & rain
this morning. F & R hauled lime
for Dyson from the other side of Balls.
Gnt & Florence in aft. Norman & Ruth
in aft. F to Helens & Dysons in
[[separation line]]

Tues 18 | F & R worked for Dyson all day.
cut some tob & topped some.
F to Dysons in aft. Margaret
Ward, Earl & boy. F to get a piece
for tractor & to Mrs Vias at night.
[[separation line]]

Wed 19 | F & R worked for Dyson. F to Marshall
Hall all day. (got 1 tank of Gas for
stove) F to Vias at night Aggie.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 20 | cut tob all day & got it in.
Margaret Franklin & I to patties
for day & to get peaches. F to Vias
at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 21 | cut tob & got it in. Robert to
Dysons for the day. F to Vias at
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Aug Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sat 22 | Robert out at night
hung up tob in morning F to Vias
in afternoon. Brandt & wife
Robert at Dysons all day. Aggie.
F to Waldorf in aft got home half pass 9.
[[separation line]]

Sun 23 | Robert out in morning. F to Vias
for dinner aft night. F over on place
for Battery for truck. Robert out
at night.
[[separation line]]

Mon 24 | Robert with Dyson all day. F worked
on pond all day. F to Bank & Waldorf
all day. Noris topped tob. F to
Vias at night. washed.
[[separation line]]

Tues 25 | cut tob. Robert out at night
got tank of gas for tractor
cut hay canned corn.
[[separation line]]

Wed 26 | cut tob all day. cut hay.
F to Vias at night. Robert
out at night. Kent at
[[separation line]]

Thurs 27 | cut tob & got it in. raked up &
bailed hay & got it in. Robert on
moonlight cruse at night. F & I
to Mrs Conners at night they were
not at home. [[underline]]hot[[/underline]] Mr Clark to see fish pond
[[separation line]]

Fri 28 | F to Hicks. F to Vias & town for day. cut tob
Mr Turner & Mr Gray. canned corn. Robert
to Dysons at night. Maggie Helen Earl &
boys at night. Miller bunch at night
[[end page]]