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[[centered]]Oct 1[[underline]]st[[/underline]][[/centered]] |B|E|E

Thurs 1 [[vertical line]] Robert shucked corn all day + took it to Georgetown at night Garner helped. F down on place picking corn. Frank to Waldorf in morning nice day. F & Vias at night 

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Fri 2 [[vertical line]]
cut corn, F down on place picking corn all day. Robert down there in aft Aggie. cold at night, Robert back from Georgetown 9 [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]].

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sat 3 [[vertical line]] 
Robert took corn to Marlboro. F finished picking corn down on the place. F & I to oyster supper at B.W. F to Vias at night, Robert out at night. Brandt for butter. 

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sun 4 [[vertical line]]
F to Vias & down in Virginia with them for the day. F to church. Robert out in aft & at night took load of corn to Georgetown, F & I down to see Mrs Downing & Tootie in aft. Mr.& Mrs Jack Dyson at night. 

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Mon 5 [[vertical line]] 
Franklin finished picking his corn & disked land for wheat. Robert got back from Georgetown about 2 oclock. Mr Mace. Robert out about night F to Dysons at night . 

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Tue 6 [[vertical line]]
Franklin seeding wheat. Robert started picking his corn. started raining about 11 oclock. F & I to Marlboro in aft. Robert to Dysons. F to Vias at night. cold 

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wed 7 [[vertical line]]
Robert finished picking his corn & took it to Georgetown. F disked land & seeded wheat. Frank picked some corn and got it Robert to Dysons. F to Vias at night Robert to Baltimore + Dysons for lime at night cold

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[[centered]]Oct Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Thurs 8 [[vertical line]] heavy frost last night. picked & got in corm all day. F to Dysons at dinner time. F to Vias about night and to W.D.C. cold. Mr. Wheeler + coon. Made mixed pickle. Robert back around 11 at night.
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Fri 9 [[vertical line]] started picking corn by granery, but picker didnt work, so he buldozed some on pond the rest of the day. F & Noris down on place for corn. Robert out at night. Robert to Dysons & in Marlboro in morning. Cold. Earl for butter. 

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 Sat 10 [[vertical line]] F up to Vias all day cutting corn with binder. F to Waldorf + Dysons. Dyson here in morn Brandt & wife in aft. cold. Robert out all day. 

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Sun 11 [[vertical line]] Robert down to Dysons all day fixing car. Frank over to get rent. F to Vias in aft + started to Kansas city about night from Washington. F + I down to see Maggie in aft. nice day. 
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Mon 12 [[vertical line]] Robert back to school + to Marlboro to put things in fair. F + I to St Pauls to Mrs Wards funeral. Robert out at night to Dysons. cold. shucked corn. Aggie.
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Tues 13 [[vertical line]] F to Bank + Marlboro in morning shucked corn + got it in. Robert took hay + straw to wheeler at night. made fruit cake 4(1 box of China from Mary) 
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Wed 14 [[vertical line]] shucked + got in corn. F disked some land. got tank of gas for tractors &c, F to B.W. + T.B (got 3 boxes of china from Mary) Robert to TB at night to fix car. 
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