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[[centered]]Oct Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Thurs 29 | stormy and rain all last night
and all
today. tied up ground leaves. F & F
to Baden & Waldorf in aft. Man from Virginia
about irrigation in morning. F to Vias
at night. Robert to Dysons at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 30 | F F & Robert to Baltimore with load of
corn & to Laurel & Sears Roebuck & home.
Aggie. [[sacked?]] off wine. Graded
road. got a load of wood. F to Vias at night
colder. Robert to Dysons at night. shucked corn
[[separation line]]

Sat 31 | clipped wood,, got in some corn. buldozed
below barn for shed. Brandt & wife in aft.
F to Vias in aft. Robert to movies at
night. nice day. Frank to Bank in morn
& to Dysons in aft.
[[separation line]]
                    Eggs got.         222

        Butter sold for Month $13.80
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Nov 1st[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sun 1 | F & F down on lower place in morning
nice day.
F to Vias in aft. Men got Roberts old car.
Mr Freeman & Mr Wheeler. Grace, Milton
& Bourne in aft. Robert out at night.
[[separation line]]

Mon 2 | Franklin & Marie to Ellises to combine soy beans
gone all day got through. F took 2 bushels of
turnips to Hicks. Aggie. Insurance
man. Joe shucked corn. nice day.
[[separation line]]

Tues 3 | cleaned out manure. shucked corn. worked
on place for shed. Eleanor in morning.
Mr Aice. Helen & Earl at night. F to
Dysons Aices & Vias at night. Robert
out at night. made fruit cakes.
nice day.
[[separation line]]

Wed 4 | Combined soy beans over by meadow in
morning. Mt Via for wheat. F to Waldorf
& Vias in aft got back at night. shucked
corn & got it in. Robert to Floral Park
to get tires about night. colder (sent
(check & fruit cake to Mary)
[[separation line]]

Thurs 5 | cut fodder & put in farm yard & put up
the fence. worked on shed. Kate
in aft. cold. Robert out to get tires
after school. shucked & got in corn.
F to Vias at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 6 | bitter cold. snow last night and all day
today & still snowing. F to .T.B & to see Mr
Aice this morning. no one worked.
[[separation line]]

Sat 7 | snowed last night. clear today.
cleaned snow out of roads.
Robert to Dysons in aft. F & F to Brandts
& to .T.B. & Clinton & Waldorf in aft. Robert
out at night. F to Vias at night.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
3 columns on right side of pages, labeled B E E