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[[centered]]Dec Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Tues 15 | nice day. killed hogs 2. Aggie.
Robert worked out on corner, &
to Dysons at night. Made fruit
cake for Aggie.
[[separation line]]

Wed 16 | cut out hogs & salted them. Aggie.
Franklin to BW & Waldorf. Robert out
on corner all day & gone again at
night. much colder with some
snow. F & R took hay to Boswell (Mrs Andrews)
[[separation line]]

Thurs 17 | stripped tob all day. F & F to Maggies
& Frank Wards in morning. Goldman
to go [[gunning?]] in aft. Wallace R.
Robert with Dyson all day. gone
at night. F to Vias & W.D.C. at night
bitter cold
[[separation line]]

Fri 18 | split wood & brought
some in. smoked sausage. Aggie. Wallace
Robey got Bulldozer in aft. F to P O after
dinner. bitter cold & windy all day. Robert
didnt come home last night got back 6 oclock
tonight. F to Vias at night.
[[separation line]]

Sat 19 | F to Vias for day. Frank to Wards & Waldorf
or some place gone all day. [[underline]]high[[/underline]]. Mr
Dyson. Robert gone most of day
getting trees. Mr Aicet. Aggie.
Brandt & wife (some cold.) Robert
to Dysons at night.
[[separation line]]

Sun 20 | Robert got xmas trees. F to Vias for
day back to do the milking also Adina.
Robert out in aft. Gannt & Florence
in aft. nice day. [[underline]]man for trees[[/underline]].
[[separation line]]

Mon 21 | Robert to town with trees. stripped
tob. clipped some wood. showers.
F & R to Dysons at night. F to
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Dec Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Tues 22 |   Dec. con
Robert took load of trees to town. took down
tob & stripped all day. F to school for
Adina Mae & took her home. Robert
out at night. cloudy. graded road.
Baker for feed.
[[separation line]]

Wed 23 | Mr Sears & girl
stripped tob 1/2 day. F to Bharley Earleys
funeral. then to clinton & Frank Wards.
& Dysons. F to Washington for Dyson
& then to Vias. Robert out on corner
all day. and out again at night
Mr Freeman 2 children.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 24 | Robert out nearly all day F to Vias
after dinner for Adina they got tree
& trimed it & then went to Mrs Vias.
F out on corner for whiskey. he has
been sick all day. Robert gone tonight.
worked out on corner all night
[[separation line]]

Fri 25 | F & boys to church. Lucy & Charley
here for day. F to Vias in aft. Robert
out on corner this aft & night to
work. nice day but cold & cloudy.
[[separation line]]

Sat 26 | Robert got old truck. Wallace towed
it in for him. F to Vias for day.
Robert out on corner working.
[[separation line]]

Sun 27 | no one to church. Brandt & wife for
Butter. F to Vias in aft. F to Copseys
in aft. John Bond & others for hay & corn.
nice day. Robert out on corner to
work at night.
[[separation line]]

Mon 28 | got in fodder & wood in morning stripped
up tob they had down. F to WDC to see cars.
Robert out on corner all last night.
Maggie Norman & Ruth in aft. F to
Frank Wards at night. showers
[[end page]]