Viewing page 31 of 104

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[[centered]]Dec Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Tues 29 | Robert on corner all day & to 12 oclock at night
working. Aggie. F & F to
Marlboro in morning. & up to Mr Bullburgs
to crush corn in aft. Mrs Babcock for
hay. Margaret Frank. Adina & Patty at
night. F to Vias.
[[separation line]]

Wed 30 | Joe stripped tob. got tob from over
on place. F & F to Hewesville. Spinks
& Louciles. Wallace Robey. cloudy.
Sears & men for hay. Robert worked out
on corner all day. Kent at night
[[separation line]]

Thurs 31 | clipped wood stripped tob. Robert
out on corner at night to work.
Grace Milton Bourne & Willie Ann
in aft.
[[separation line]]

                    eggs got            65

               Butter sold $3.60

     took in for year from
        Eggs and Butter.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]January 1954 -[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Fri 1 | Robert gone
all day long.
F & F bulldozing out by graveyard all day. Frank
ward gunning in aft. nice day. F to Vias
at night. Robert out again tonight
[[separation line]]

sat 2 | got in fodder & wood on porch. Mr Wolf
for hay. F painted corners on new barn.
Frank to Waldorf in aft gone all aft. F to
Vias about night. Brandt & wife. Robert
worked on corner all day & went
down in Virginia at night. nice day.
[[separation line]]

Sun 3 | Robert got home in afternoon & went to
work at gas station at 12 oclock. F to Vias
after he did milking. cloudy with light
[[separation line]]

Mon 4 | F & F took corn to Mr Slingluff in morning. F took
hay to Bullburg. Mr Wolf got hay. Robert to
Frank Wards in morning. Mr Mace.
nice day. Robert out on corner tonight
for nights work.
[[separation line]]

Tues 5 | got home at 10 oclock in morning
pulling bushes down in cycermore bottom
hauled out tob stalks. F to Bank & store & PO.
(sent check to Mary) (got tank of gas for stove)
Robert to St. Marys & Charles Co gone all day.
Bob Via for straw. cloudy cooler
[[separation line]]

Wed 6 | Robert worked on corner last night till 10 this morning
F & F to Frank Wards & Waldorf gone all day [[double underline]]high[[/double underline]]
Robert to Dysons in aft. Aggie. F to Vias at
night. colder.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 7 | Robert worked out on corner all last
night got in at 8 oclock this morning.
Eleanor in morning. Rabit T. F to
Vias at night. Robert to Dysons in
aft. no one worked. cold & windy.
[[end page]]