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[[centered]]Feb Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Mon 15 | did my wash & ironing lovely day.
fixed well platform at house. Jack Dyson
Robert gone all day with Mr King cutting lumber
F plowed land by Bilinzers tenant house
in aft. F to Dysons at night. Robert to make
tel call at night. F down on place & to ashbox.
[[separation line]]

Tue 16 | Robert with men cutting wood all day.
Franklin Buldozed over by Bellinseys fence
also plowed garden & land by graveyard.
and triming trees around edge. also
took clothes to cleaners. awful windy blew
down old ivy tree down at the old house.
Mr Cockron.
[[separation line]]

Wed 17 | got tob from over on place in morning stripped
tob all day. Robert, with men cutting wood
all day F & I to Montgomery wards in aft
Margaret & Mae in aft. F to Vias at night.
Robert out on corner at night. Much colder
and high winds all day.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 18 | stripped tob. Made tob beds down on Bull
Pinch. Frank worked on tob beds also.
F to Vias & in town in aft. Robert with
men cutting wood all day & out on
corner at night. nice day.
[[separation line]]

Fri 19 | Made tob beds sewed cale lettuce seed
F & F to B.W. & Dysons in morning. F to Waldorf
in aft.. took car to garage in morn. F to Clinton
for suit from cleaners. Aggie. F to Vias
& to Dance at school. Robert to Dance at
school. nice day (sent check to Mary)
[[separation line]]

Sat 20 | F took hay up to Mitchelsville in morning.
& took hay & corn to ashbox after dinner
& then went to Vias. F got car from shop.
Robert gone all day cutting wood. Brandt
wife & Mrs Lusby. cloudy with showers.
[[separation line]]

Sun 21 | rain all last night & this morning.
showers again at night. Robert down
in St Marys with King coming back
tomorrow. F & F down to Cockrans in
aft. F to Vias after he did milking.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Feb Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Mon 22 | [[strikethrough]]go to Dr Badens at 2:30[[/strikethrough]] (F to Vias at night & to movies
F & I to Dr Badens. took down tob from over
on place. Noris stripped all day.
F & F took Buldozer down to Cochrans in
morning & started work. nice day.
& worked in aft. Mr Aiste at night
[[separation line]]

Tues 23 | F  & F down to Cochrans Buldozing in morn
F to Marlboro in aft. and back Buldozing
nice day. F to Dysons. Robert didnt come
home last night Noris stripped tob all day.
[[separation line]]

wed 24 | F & F to Cochrans in morning Buldozing F to Helens
F & F to Washington to see Uncle Charley he is
sick. Robert for a short time. F down
to Wallace Robeys at night. Norris stripped
tob nice day. [[strikethrough]][[illegible]][[/strikethrough]]
[[separation line]]

Thurs 25 | F & F got tob from over on place. Norris stripped
tob all day. Franklin to Marlboro. F & F
Buldozing at Cockrans in aft. Robert
here for few minutes in aft. rain last
night. Mr Cochran at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 26 | F & F at Cochrans in morning Buldozing
got through. showers & cloudy.
Margaret in aft. windy.
[[separation line]]

Sat 27 | got tank of gas for stove
Robert home by breakfast. clipped wood
crushed corn. got in fodder. F to cleaners
for pants & flying in aft. F to Waldorf
gone all aft. Robert out on corner in
aft. Brandt & wife in aft. nice day.
F to Vias at night.    |got turkey|
[[separation line]]

Sun 28 | F to Vias & with then down to Grandmas
for day. Robert out in morning, aft & night.
nice day. no one came all day.
[[separation line]]
                                 Eggs got       304
          Butter sold for month
                   $  4.80
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