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[[centered]]May Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sat 15 | rain last night & this morning, cold.
Robert out all day. Brandts & wife.
Mary, Tim & Timmie came in this morning
about 10:30. Mr & Mrs Conner in morning
F to Vias in aft F to Waldorf. Mary Tim & Timmy
to Conners in aft. Robert out again at night.
[[separation line]]

Sun 16 | Mary & Tim to Church & to Conners in
aft. F flying in morn & to Vias in aft
Robert out all morning & afternoon
Kent in morning. lovely day.
Robert out at night.
[[separation line]]

Mon 17 | Mary Tim & Timmie took Mr Conner in
town in morning & then took baby to
Walter Reed Hospital. F & boys over to
Plant to see about buldozer. Robert gone
all day. Rabit T for F to put on some[[dists?]]
F & F over there. F & F to Dysons in aft.
[[separation line]]

Tue 18 | washed. Robert gone all day. Worked on
shed, clipped wood. Mary Tim & F to Washington & Conners in aft. Mr Goldman &c man to see
about fish for pond.
[[separation line]]

Wed 19 | F & I [[strikethrough]]are[[/strikethrough]] to [[strikethrough]]go to[[/strikethrough]] Dr Badens at 9 oclock
in morn. Mary Tim & Timmie to
Washington & Conners. Robert gone
all day. rainy. picked over tob.
F to Vias at night.
[[separation line]]

Thur 20 | Mrs Freeman & boy picked over & stripped tob all day.rainy day
F to Robies & school in morn. Robert
gone all day. Mary Tim & Timmie to
Washington &c I with them to Margarets
for supper. F to school to Banquet at night. Robert at Dysons
[[separation line]]

Fri 21 | Tim Mary & Timmie to Washington to see
the Dr & to Lucys.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]May Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sat 22 | Mary Tim
Timmie & I to see Cousin Genie
& Aunt Pattie gone all day. F & R
to Kents wedding in aft. F to Dysons
in aft.
[[separation line]]

Sun 23 | Mary Tim & Frank to church. Brandt
& wife. Grace & family. Mrs Via &
Adina. F to flying field & to Vias
in aft. Robert gone all day.
lovely day.
[[separation line]]

Mon 24 | Mary Tim & Timmie to Washington
&c gone all day. Robert to Dysons
for day. Franklin planted corn
for Rabbit T. Maggie Norman & Ruth
in aft. F to Vias to take her to Baltimore.
got up tob land.
[[separation line]]

Tue 25 | Tim & Timmie to Washington & back
got Mary & went down to Conners.
Planted tob by old house. Franklin
planted corn down at school. F to
Dysons. washed. R at Dysons all day working.
[[separation line]]

Wed 26 | brought Buldozer home. worked on
shed. Robert out all day. Mary to
town with Mrs Conner in aft.
[[separation line]]

Thur 27 | Robert out all day. Mary & Tim took
baby to Drs & down to Conners to
fix on house. drew tob plants & planted
them over on place in aft.
F to Vias at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 28 | Mary & Tim to Washington & Conners
to work on house. Robert out all
day. F to Marlboro in morn. & to
school at night & Vias.
worked on shed.
[[end page]]