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[[centered]]July 1st[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Thurs 1 | F took hay & straw to Suitland in
morn F culivated tob over on
place in morn. Mary & Tim to
town. Finished combing wheat
R out all day. [[double underline]]hot[[/double underline]] Kate.
[[separation line]]

Fri 2 | Mary & Tim to town & Conners.
bailed & got in straw.
Margaret. Robert hauling
all day. hot & dry.
[[separation line]]

Sat 3 | raked up & bailed straw
all day. John Bond helped.
Robert gone all day. Mary Tim
& I to St Pauls supper. [[underline]]hot[[/underline]]
[[separation line]]

Sun 4 | Mary & Tim to church. F & F to
Wards. F to Vias in aft. Adina Mae
Mary Tim & I to Conners at night.
[[separation line]]

Mon 5 | to go to Dr Badens at 9 oclock.
F & F down on place raking
& bailing hay. Robert gone all day
Mary & Tim to Conners, tim to work about
night. rain in aft.
[[separation line]]

Tues 6 | F & F bailed straw down on place
all day. John Bond helped. Robert
gone all day & again at night.
Mary & Tim to town in morn & to
Conners all aft. F to Vias at night.
[[separation line]]

Wed 7 | finished bailing straw down on
place. disked land & got it
ready for tob. F & F & John Bond to
Wards for plants in aft & planted
some. Robert out all day.Mary &
Tim to Conners. [[chinton?]], show [[strikethrough]][[?]],[[/strikethrough]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]July Con[[/centered]]

Thurs 8 | Planted tob in morn. F & F [[tooked?]]
 for plants today. Robert out all day.
Mary & Tim to Town & Mrs Conners.
in aft. F to Dysons at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 9 | got tob plants & planted them also
got sweet pota plants. Tim & Mary
out most of day. Robert out all
day. Milton Grace & Willie Ann in
aft. F to Dysons got tractor & took it
back at night.
[[separation line]]

Sat 10 | planted tob & sweet potatoes. F to BW & Dysons.
Robert gone all day & at night. F to Vias
in aft. Brandt & wife in aft. Mr
Sears for hay.
[[separation line]]

Sun 11 | Mary & Tim to church. F & boys over
in Arranlee for tob plants.
Robert out. F to Vias in aft.
F over in Washington place &c
Tim did the milking at night.
[[separation line]]

Mon 12 | F. F. & Tim planted tob in morning. Vias
for Boxes. Tim & Mary took Timmie to Drs.
F up to see Uncle Charley after dinner.
F & F down to get sweet potatoe plants
in aft. Tim to work at night
[[separation line]]

Tue 13 | Planted sweet potato plants in
morn. got tobacco plants from
A.A. in aft. [[underline]]hot[[/underline]]. Robert gone
all day & again at night. Mary
& Tim to Conners. Mrs Conner.
[[separation line]]

Wed 14 | culivated tob in morning. F down in
Calvert with Via in aft. Tim down to
house. he & Mary to Waldorf in aft & to movies
at night. Robert out all day. some
[[underline]] hot 106 degree[[/underline]].
[[end page]]