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[[centered]]Aug Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sun 8 | F & F to church. F flying F over
colect rent &c. Grace & family
for day. Brandt Mrs Gaton & Mrs
Neal.. F to Vias he Adina & Patties
back to milk & then back to Vias.
[[separation line]]

Mon 9 | F culivated tob & sweet potatoes.
Bob Adin & Pattie in morning.
I worked some limer beans
heavy rain in aft. F & F to
Dysons in aft. let water out of road.
[[separation line]]

Tue 10 | fixed top on well at Barn & cleaned
it out. cleaned up junk & put
it in gullie. F to Dysons at
night. washed. Robert came
home tonight.
[[separation line]]

wed 11 | F & I to BW & Marlboro in morning.
Mary. F & F. in aft. Robert out all
day. Jack Dyson. F to Dysons &
Vias at night. cleaned up
around barn. Ron Comes at night.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 12 | sewed cale & turnips. cleaned
up around barn [[painted?]] some
F to Hicks. Robert worked at
plant all day out at night
F to Dysons at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 13 | put on weather board on stable
F to Waldorf. Man about putting
up sines. Robert work at
plant all day. F to Dysons. F
to Vias at night. Robert out at night. Kate.
[[separation line]]

Sat 14 | fix on stable.
Robert took truck to Mandells.
Mary Tim & T also Mr & Mrs Egar
in aft. Brandt & wife & Mrs Neal.
Earl. Helen & children in aft.
F to Vias in aft. Robert to movies
at night. Mr Hold & Bunch.
F to Dysons.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Aug Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sun 15 | Mary & Tim & Timmie for day M & T to church
at Waldorf F went
F. R. & Tim to Dysons & played Base Ball
in morning. M & T to movies in aft. F to
Vias in aft. Robert out in aft. rain
this morning. someone pulled up tob & corn
over on place
[[separation line]]

Mon 16 | painted on stable. Robert got truck
back. F to Vias at night. Mary Tim
& Timmie for dinner. Nelson B
at night. coons got hay. Robert
out at night. [[underline]]some hot[[/underline]] raining
tonight high wind.
[[separation line]]

Tue 17 | Painted corn houses. F & I to Sears Roebuck
Robert worked at plant all day & to
Dysons at night. F to Waldorf at
night. Kent.
[[separation line]]

wed 18 | Robert over at plant all day.
F to Marshall Hall gone all day.
F did some painting & went to Vias
at night. Margaret ward.
Bob Via for straw. nice day.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 19 | cut logs & took them to mill. Robert
over to plant all day. (F to [[underline]]ash[[/underline]X
[[underline]]box[[/underline]]X) heavy wind & rain storm
in afternoon. Robert out again
at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 20 | F & F to Dysons in mor and again in
aft. F went to Glenburney for Dysons.
Robert over at plant all day. F
to Vias at night. heavy rain
in aft with wind.
[[separation line]]

sat 21 | F to Vias & to Middletown for day.
Robert out all day. F to Dysons &
Waldorf in aft. got home 11 oclock at night
Brandt in aft. rainy & cloudy
all day. Robert out at night
got home 7 oclock sunday morning.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
sounds like Robert is up to no good :)