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[[centered]]Sep 1st[[/centered]] |B|E|E

wed 1 | hauled & hung up tob. cut tob over on
place. F did Buldozing & he & R hauled
for pond. F to Dysons for sugar. Robert
out all morning & again at night.
got tank of gas for stove.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 2 | F & F to Curtises & Andersons
in morn. & over on place &
to Dysons in aft. Robert worked
all day & out at night. F to
Vias at night. got peaches.
[[separation line]]

Fri 3 | F & F over on place. Mr Aice
F & F bailed hay for Aice in aft
Robert worked all day. Gert
& Florence in aft. Robert out
at night. F out at night. F
to B.W.
[[separation line]]

Sat 4 | cut hay by new shed. F & F. to
Aices to bail hay in aft finished
Mary & Tim. Robert worked in
morn & to town in aft. F to
Vias about night. [[underline]]hot[[/underline]], F to
[[separation line]]

Sun 5 | Mary & Tim to church & here to dinner F to
church. F flying in morn & to Vias to dinner
he & Adina here to milk. Brank & wife.
Maggie, Ruth & Norman about night.
Robert out in aft & night. [[underline]]hot[[/underline]]
[[separation line]]

Mon 6 | cut weeds down by meadow in morn
raked up & bailed hay by new shed
& out in woods. Robert gone most of day.
Mary Tim & Timmie to dinner Mary to Dr B.
F to Dysons in aft. [[underline]]some hot[[/underline]]
[[separation line]]

Tue 7 | Robert worked all day at Branchville
cut some tob in morn topped tob in aft.
F raked up & Bailed hay for Francis
Dyson most all day. F & F to Curtises
about night. [[underline]]hot[[/underline]].
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Sep Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Wed 8 | hung up tob over on place in morning
cut some tob and got it in. raked
up & bailed hay & got it in John
Bond helped in aft. F to Post office
in aft. Margaret in morning. Robert out
most of day. Tim & baby
[[separation line]]

Thurs 9 | hung up tob John Bond helped. topped
some tob. F took Buldozer down & worked
for men putting up guide missels in
Charles County. F & R took load of wheat
to Baltimore in aft. nice day. Kent.
F to Vias at night. Robert out at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 10 | Robert worked at plant all day. F. F &
men cut tobacco over on place & got
it in. F to Curtises. Robert out
at night. misty rain about
& at night.
[[separation line]]

Sat 11 | hung up tob & cut & load & hung that up
in morning. Robert worked all day
at plant. F to Vias in aft. F to Waldorf
in aft. got home 10 oclock. Brandt & wife
in aft. windy all day long.
[[separation line]]

Sun 12 | Mary & Tim to church & here for dinner
also Timmie. F flying in morning &
to Vias in aft. Robert out at night.
Helen Mae & Eddie in aft. F to
John Bonds. nice day.
[[separation line]]

Mon 13 | hung up tob & cut some & got some in
John Bond helped all day. Tim brought the
baby here & he & Mary came for him about
eight. Robert worked all day at plant
& out again at night. F to Vias to take
her some string beans at night
[[separation line]]

Tues 14 | hung up tob & cut some. F cut hay
down in meadow. Robert worked
at plant all day. Mrs Smith.
Kate & boy. nice day. John Bond
helped 1/2 day
[[end page]]