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[[centered]]Sep Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Wed 15 | hung up tob. cut tob got some in
Bond helped all day. Robert over
at plant all day. Mary
[[separation line]]

Thurs 16 | hung up tob. cut & got in tob. F
raked up & bailed hay in aft.
& got it in. Rabit T.
Robert over at plant all day.
John Bond worked all day. I canned
23 qts of beans. R out at night
[[separation line]]

Fri 17 | stored up hay in loft. raked up &
bailed more & got it in. John Bond
helped in aft. Maggie Helen Earl &
children for beans. Mary Tim & T
at night. Franklin & Robert out at night.
[[separation line]]

Sat 18 | F F took hay up to Dairy in morning
& went to Waldorf in aft. Robert
out most of day & out again at
night. F to Vias at night. Brandt
in aft
[[separation line]]

Sun 19 | F to church. Mary Tim & Timmie
to church & here to dinner. F to
Vias in aft. Robert out
in morning & at night. F to
Waldorf in aft got home
9:30 high & hot. Adina Mae.
stormy at night Mr A beard
[[separation line]]

Mon 20 | no one worked. F to Marlboro in
morn. F & F to see about Buldozer.
Robert over at plant all day.
Mary about night. cloudy
with showers. R out at night.
[[separation line]]

Tues 21 | seeded wheat over on place.
in morn. Mary & Timmie went
home. Bob Via for straw,
cut tob in aft & got it in.
showers today.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Sep Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Wed 22 | hung up tob. cut tob & got in some
of it. F cut hay down
on place in morning. F & F down
near Marshall Hall to look at Buldozer
in aft. Robert over to the plant
all day. F to Vias at night
[[separation line]]

Thurs 23 | hung up tob. cut and got in
tob all day Mr A Beard with
apples. Robert worked at plant
all day. F to Hicks in aft.
nice day.
[[separation line]]

Fri 24 | hung up & got in tob. raked & bailed
hay on lower place & got it in.
Robert worked at plant all day.
John Bond help here today. nice
day. R out at night.
[[separation line]]

Sat 25 | men here cutting corn for silo all day F took
hay to Dairy in aft. & to Vias about
night. Robert at plant 1/2 day out
in aft & night. F to Dysons. Brandt
& wife in aft.
[[separation line]]

Sun 26 | Mary & Timmie Mary to church & to Conners
in aft. Grace & family in aft. F
flying in morn & to Vias in aft. Robert
out in morning, aft, & night. R & F
took straw to Jew in morn.
[[separation line]]

Mon 27 | F cut hay down on Wilson place.
F to Clara Gibbons funeral in morn.
Robert over at plant all day. Mary
to Washington & to Conners at night.
topped tob.
F to Vias for night. R out men cut corn.
F & F to clinton
[[separation line]]

Tues 28 | Robert worked at plant all day.
Men cut a little corn. Mary &
Timmie went home in morning.
Robert out at night. F to school
to see Goldman & Dysons in aft.
[[end page]]