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                          Oct Con |  B  |  E  | E

Fri 22 
Robert worked all day. Combined soy beans & navy beans &c
took all day. cold. F got gass for tractors &c.

                                              | 6


Sat 23 
clipped wood. took wood to Joe F to Dysons & Rabit T. R out in aft and at night. F to Vias in aft. Mary & Timmie at night. set up apple tree.
                                              | 6


Sun 24 
Mary to church & down to Conners for day. R out. F flying. F to Rabit T in morning. F to Vias for dinner. R out in aft & night. F & I to Howard perries Richards, Graysons Baden & Conner. Kent.
took things to Brandt Earleys F to Freemans


Mon 25 
F. F & Noris over to Ellises combing soy beans all day. R worked all day. Mary to Washington & Conners gone all day. Robert out at night. Mary to Conners at 
                                               | 4


Tues 26
getting out sweet potatoes all day. F & F combined soy beans for Jack Dyson in aft. R worked all day. Mary to WDC in morn. she & Mrs Conner here in aft got baby & took him to town. R out at night. F to Robeys at night Mr & Mrs Small
                                               |  4


got out sweet potatoes nearly all day. R worked all day. Franklin took Buldozer down to Waldorf for war at noon Mary to
WDC & Conners. F to Vias at night. Mickey came & got Franks car. showers.
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Thurs 28
got out more sweet potatoes all day. F & R at work all day at Waldorf. Mary to Conners for day. colder. F got his car home from Mickeys
                                               |  4

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                           Oct Con |  B  |  E  | E
Fri 29
rain last night. picked over sweet potatoes & sold some F to BW
& ash box in morn. F & R to Waldorf &c in aft. F to Vias in aft. R out at night. (got tank of gas for stove)
                                               | 4

Sat 30
rain last night & this morning. F & F to Dysons. R with Wallace Robie to Va gone all day. F to Vias in aft. Gnt & Joe in aft for walnuts pears &cc, R to dance at school at night. Mary to WDC
                                               |  4


Sun 31
Mary to church & home. to Conners in aft F to Vias & to Frederick took Vias up there Robert out in aft. & night. Grace
Milton & Bourne in aft.. cold.
                                  |1.20        |  4

                         eggs got           229

        Butter sold for month


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