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[[centered]]January 1955[[/centered]] |B|E|E

1 Sat | F cut trees 1/2 day Brandt in aft
Eleanor &
Kate in morning. Mr & Mrs Via
& Adina Mae in aft. F to Vias
in aft. R out in aft & at 
night. F to Ash box in aft.
[[separation line]]

2 Sun | F to Ash box in aft. Maggie Robert
& Mae in aft. R out on corner.
F took down some tobacco & went
up to Vias in aft. windy & colder.
[[separation line]]

3 Mon | stripped tob all day. F & R to Mandells
in morning & to Waldorf & Copseys in
aft. R out at night. nice day.
Mr Slingluff in morning. washed.
[[separation line]]

4 Tue | Frank & R. took logs to Laplates 2 loads. stripped
tob all day. nice day. R out on
corner about night.
[[separation line]]

5 wed | stripped tob all day. R took pulp wood to
Waldorf in morning F to Marlboro in morn
& to Billinzers in aft. F & R to woodville & to
Patuxant city in aft. F to Vias at night
rain about night & at night. colder.
[[separation line]]

6 Thurs | F put roof on packing room & porch & fix fence
up over by meadow where tree fell on it. R
out on corner & to get a job. he & F got on
cross questions. F to Vias at night.
cold & windy all day with few showers.
[[separation line]]

7 Fri | R out on corner to go to Washington to go to work.
F & F over to drill. Dysons & Billinzers in
morning. F & F to Marlboro in aft. F
to Vias at night. cold & windy
N cut wood down by tenant house.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Jan Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

8 Sat | F.F. & N seeded grass seed out by Billinzeys
tenant house in morning
F & F over at drill. F to Vias in aft
F to Dysons about night. Brandt & wife
in aft. (coons moved out of Washington house)
[[separation line]]

9 Sun | F flying in morning & to Vias in aft. F. R
& I over to see Grace in aft. rain
hail & snow in morning. colder. saw
Keneth Ward over to Grace.
[[separation line]]

10 Mon | seeded grass seed 1/2 day. F & Noris
cut logs. F & R over to fix up tenant
house over on Washington place. R
out with some one about night. F
to Waldorf & to see Wallace at night.
cloudy. Bob here to dinner.
[[separation line]]

11 Tues | F & F to Marlboro in morning & to pomonkey
& Waldorf in aft. R out all day hauling
corn for Rabit T. F to Vias about
night. snow last night. much
[[separation line]]

12 Wed | seeded grass seed by new barn in morning
F to Waldorf in morn. F to clinton Bank at
noon time. R worked out all day. F & F to
Brandt Earleys at night. man for straw
at dinner time. cold & cloudy.
[[separation line]]

13 Thurs | F & F to Waldorf in morning. snow last night
& today windy & much colder. men to see
about building a pond. Mr Hopkins & man to see
about a piece of land. F to Vias at night.
R out in aft & again at night.
[[separation line]]

14 Fri | snow still on ground some cold & windy today.
R out in morn. aft & at night. F & F to Bank &
Dysons in aft also to Mr Cockrans. F to
Brandt Earleys at night. then to Vias
at night. Bob Via for straw, in
[[end page]]