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[[centered]]Jan Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sat 15 | F & F to Marlboro in morning & took
hay to Mr Cochram in aft at T.B.
F to Vias in aft. Brandt & Mrs Neal.
R out in morning. aft & again at
night [[underline]]mad[[/underline]]!
[[separation line]]

Sun 16 | F & Jack Dyson flying in morning. F
to Vias in aft. Grace & family for
day. Milton to Dr Badens. R out in
aft & night. Nice day. Kent. Men to
see the shed but didnt want it.
[[separation line]]

Mon 17 | Franklin to Baltimore in morning.
cut pulp wood in aft & to Vias at night.
R & N got a load of wood in morning
clipped it up after dinner. he to Waldorf
to see about clipsaw. Colder & windy.
[[separation line]]

Tue 18 | Boys cut pulp wood. F to Bendick and
got oysters. Boys to Waldorf about saws.
Mr Mitchel at night to suppper & to
see Frank on buisness. nice day
[[separation line]]

wed 19 | boys cut pulp wood. Franklin got hair cut
& picked Adina Mae up at school after dinner
and went in town. Frank ward in morning
& again in aft for old truck. Frank to George
Brooks & [[strikethrough]]Dysons[[/strikethrough]] in aft gone all afternoon.
much colder & windy. Frank to Frank wards
[[separation line]]

Thurs 20 | boys cut pulp wood all day. Cold
& windy. F to Brandywine & down on
place in aft & to Dysons in morning.
F to Vias at night. R out on Corner,
t night. first duck egg.
[[separation line]]

Fri 21 | cut pulp wood all day. F to Dysons
in morning. F to Vias at night,
Robert out at night. Cold=
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]Jan Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sat 22 | F hauled pulp wood all day to BW. Wallace R
& John Bond
helped. Robert to Va with Miller in aft.
Brandt wife. Mrs Neal & Mrs Gatten in
aft. F to Vias at night. F to Dysons in aft.
[[separation line]]

Sun 23 | F & F to church in morning & took truck tire
to Garage. F to Vias for dinner. R out all
day. F to corner & Dots in aft. Cold 
& cloudy.
[[separation line]]

Mon 24 | finished putting pulp wood on car at
B.W. Wallace & John Bond helped. F to
Waldorf & to get truck tire. F to Vias
at night. R out on corner. Mr
Miller at night. Cloudy.
[[separation line]]

Tue 25 | F left this morning to enter the service
F took him over to Clarence Taymans
at 7[[underline]]30[[/underline]]. R cutting pulp wood all day.
broke the saw and had to go to Waldorf
in aft. Bob Via for straw. 2 bales. R out at night.
[[separation line]]

Wed 26 | Mr Allen. Robert took Buldozer down to Poter
Construction Co and did work. Cut pulp
wood in aft. F out on corner to meet Mr Hopkins
at eleven oclock. F to Dysons in aft
Jack Dyson.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 27 | R Buldozer down in Charles County. F to
Waldorf in morning & afternoon. Rout
about night. Noris cut pulp wood.
Beavers for hay. real cold & windy.
[[separation line]]

Fri 28 | R cut wood in morning. F & R took
straw to Marlboro in aft. R out at
night. some cold down to 12 this
morning. F to Brandywine
in morning & to Dysons.
[[end page]