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April 1st |B|E|E
Fri 1 
R took gravel out all day. Washed Franklins car off. F to Sissie Smoots in aft. Mr Via and Adina Mae in aft for car. R fishing with Miller at night. nice day.
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sat 2
R took one load of top soil out in morn. Kate and Cousin Bessie in morning. watered tob bed and put cover on in morn. Franklin home, he & Adina Mae in aft. Brandt and wife in aft. R went to Virginia in aft. nice day. F to Vias in aft
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sun 3
F & F to church in morning. F to Vias for dinner & rest of day. F out in aft. Old Rabit Tayman after dinner. Nice day but windy. R home at night
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Mon 4 
F & R plowed all day. F to Brandywine in morning. Tayman & Cuttler boys to see Franklin. nice day but windy. Mr Allen, F to Vias at night. Robert out at night
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Tues 5
R plowed most all day. Franklin painted stable roof & part of shed. F to Hicks for paint. R fishing about night. F to see Jack Dyson about night & to Vias at night, Kent in aft. Planted peas Beets onions in garden
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Wed 6
F & R plowed in morn. F & F plowed in aft. F with Via down in Calvert in aft to burn brush. R to Richards to get Bull in aft. Kent for R to cut logs in morning showers. planted some potatoes R plowed about night.
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Thurs 7
F & Adina to Marlboro & [[strikeout]] Baltimore &c[[/strikeout]] R out all day long somewhere. planted potatoes. Mr. Dixon and Mr Dempsie, also Mr Freeman in aft. Frank to Marlboro in aft. Colder and windy. R to Brandts at night &c
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April Con.
Fri 8
R & I to Kates in morning. F put weather boarding on stable & started on granery. Watered tob beds about night F & R plowed some land. R plowed at night. F to Vias at night. nice day but cold.
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Sat 9
R out all day, back. got ready & out again about night. F finished putting boards on grainry. F & F to Waldorf in morning. F to Vias in aft. lovely day warmer. F to Dysons Waldorf &c. in aft.
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sun 10
F, F, R, & I to church. Mr and Mrs Via & Adina also to church & here to dinner. F & Adina went up & got Lucy & Charley for day. Grace & family Willie Ann in aft for short time. lovely day.
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Mon 11
R out in morn & aft & again at night. F painted barn roofs. F to Marlboro in morning. Frank to Dysons. washed & ironed. sprinkling rain tonight. F to Vias at night.
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tues 12
stripped tob all day. F & F to Frank Wards in morning. F down to Dysons & to Vias in aft & in town (Mrs Dyson in morning). R took dirt to Hicks in morning, out again in aft & night. F to Brandts about night. colder and cloudy.
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wed 13
stripped tob all day. F & F to Bank in aft. R out in aft & night. F to Dysons for supper, then to Vias at night.
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Thurs 14
rain all last night & today. stripped tob all day. F to Vias in morning, and left for camp after dinner went down in car. Frank to Dysons in [[strikeout]][[illegible]][[/strikeout]] aft. R out in morn and again at night.
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