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[[centered]]May con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sun 8 | Robert out for day
to church took Adina Mae up there to dinner
& he and Adina here for a few minutes and
back to Camp Gordon. Grace Milton & Bourne
in aft. F & I to see Maggie. Helen & fam but no
one home so came back.
[[separation line]]

Mon 9 | Picked tob beds all day. nice
day but cool. R to Shinermans
at night fishing. Mrs Freeman
in morning to see Frank.
[[separation line]]

Tue 10 | Picked tob beds all day. F to Dysons
in morning. got fertilizer & corn
from Dyson. R fishing at night
at Shinermans. Watered tob
beds & top dressed them.
[[separation line]]

Wed 11 | R disked corn land & culivated potatoes.
F to Dysons in morning & to Brandywine
& Waldorf in afternoon. borrowed money from Bank 500.00
R hauled machinery for Mr Allen in aft. picked
on tob beds. F got back 9[[underline]]30[[/underline]] high & hot
[[vertical]]R out at night[[/vertical]]
[[separation line]]

Thurs 12 | Robert planted his corn today. R to Waldorf
in aft & out again at night.
nice day. cleaned up Roberts
room. Put nitrait of soda on tob beds
down by Bullpinch in aft.
[[separation line]]

Fri 13 | R hauled fertilizer for asociation,
gone all day. planted watermelon &
canterlope seed also corn & cabbage.
F to Dysons in morning. rain in
[[separation line]]

Sat 14 | Franklin home. R to Baltimore to get
fertilizer gone most of day & out at night
F to Vias about dinner time. Brand & wife
in aft. F to Dysons. F & I to Kates for hens.
Helen, Earl & children at night. rain all last
night & most of today. picked over & hacked tob.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]May Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Sun 15 | F & R took tob
to market in morning. F to Vias for dinner &
back to Camp in aft. R out in
afternoon. F down to see Wallace Robey
in morning. nice day.
[[separation line]]

Mon 16 | Robert down in North Carolina
with Mr Long for all day. F to tob
market in morning & disked land
in aft by old house. Noris stripped
tob & worked in garden. Mr Stewart
in morning. lovely day.
[[separation line]]

Tues 17 | Planted Corn down by old house
& in meadow all day. Rout at
night. [[underline]]cold[[/underline]]
[[separation line]]

Wed 18 | Planted Corn down in meadow
in morning. R over to Longs in
aft. &c. F to Bank & Cheltenham
in aft. Mr Long in morning.
Brandt & wife in aft for manure.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 19 | F to Marlboro in morn. finished planting
corn. R out in aft. F to Dysons
Maggie Helen Earl & boy at
night. nice day.
[[separation line]]

Fri 20 | Robert hauled fertilizer from Baltimore for
asociation. 2 men for harnice. F to Dysons
in afternoon. Noris cutting bushes.
nice rain in aft. got grass out of strawberries
& put sawdust between rows.
[[separation line]]

Sat 21 | Picked over tobacco in morning. Robert out in
morning. brought pipes in from out at drilling.
place. Robert took dirt out in aft & out again
F & I to Marlboro in aft. F took butter
& things to Brandts. F out again
in aft.
[[end page]]