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[[centered]]June 1st[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Wed 1 | drew tob plants in morning
& planted them in aft.
R out at night. nice day I
[[separation line]]

Thurs 2 | Put stuff on potatoes. F & N fixed
fence. Robert culivated his corn.
cloudy. ironed. Swarts to see
about work.
[[separation line]]

Fri 3 | finished fixing fence. R culivated
garden & fixed baler. & out
about night. F to BW. & TB in morn
& to Mrs Smoots in aft.
[[separation line]]

Sat 4 | R hauled gravel down in Hights in
morning. put some in our road.
F raked up hay in aft & to Dysons.
R out in aft & night on straw ride
Brandt & wife. Helen Earl & boys
at night. Screened out soy beans.
[[separation line]]

Sun 5 | R out in morning. F down on place
in morning. F over on place in
aft. R worked at corner from
12 till 8 in morning lovely day.
[[separation line]]

Mon 6 | R culivating corn in meadow in
morn. F to Bank in morn. started
bailing hay in aft & bailer wouldnt
work. had a man from Assn in aft
to see about it.
[[separation line]]

Tue 7 | culivated corn in morn & aft untill  [[Timmie?]]
it rained. Took off hay from truck & wagon.
F to  Dysons in morn. & to Waldorf
in afternoon. Robert worked
om Corner tonight.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]]June Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Wed 8 | rain
all last night & all day today
with heavy winds colder. Men
picked over Hacked & stripped tob
all day. Sacked up soy beans.
R worked on corner at night
[[separation line]]

Thurs 9 | stripped & picked over tobacco
F & R took soy beans to Baltimore
in morning. R worked on corner
at night. cloudy & drissley all day
[[separation line]]

Fri 10 | took down tobacco & stripped
in morning. drew plants & finish
up down by tenant house in
aft. R out in aft. cloudy. R worked at
night out at corner.
[[separation line]]

Sat 11 | rain last night & most of today [[underline]]heavy[[/underline]].
Franklin got in about 6[[underline]]30[[/underline]] in morn. & up to Vias
around 10 oclock & in town. R out in morn
stripped tobacco 1/2 day. Frank out in aft.
R out at night. rain last night.
[[separation line]]

Sun 12 | F & F down on place & to Lipps
in morning. R out in aft. F
to Vias after dinner with them to
school & then to Washington
to take a plane for Georgia Brandt
rain in aft.
[[separation line]]

Mon 13 | no one worked. Daddy disked land
R got tractor & took it back. F & I
to graduation at night also Robert
colder & windy. F to Dysons &
B.W. R worked out on corner
at night
[[separation line]]

Tues 14 | drew plants & planted all day.
nice day. R worked out on
corner to night.
[[end page]]