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[[centered]]June Con[[/centered] |B|E|E

wed 15 | drew plants and planted tob all day. R worked out on corner tonight. nice day. man to sell combine. big ones man from Waldorf got culivators
thurs 16 | R culivated tob and corn. F and I to Marlboro in aft. stripped tob. hot. R out on corner tonight to work
Fri 17 | drew plants in morning & planted them in aft raked up hay out in tob beds. R out about night & to work tonight hot. Mr Hopkins at dinner time
sat 18 | F to Dysons in morn & back and cut hay out front . bailed hay and got it in from the tob beds in aft. R watered tob beds here and Taymans in aft. Brandt wife & Mrs Neal in aft. R & little coon picked cherries. 
sun 19 | R to recepion & to work tonight. R out in morn. rain most all day. Mrs Clifton & Laura for day. R out in aft & to work at gas station. F to Rabit T in aft.
mon 20 | F & R took tob to Waldorf in morn & got fertilizer disked up tob land in aft. R out in aft. F to tob market in aft. stripped tob nice day. Mrs Via Adina & Patty at night. R out at night. F got home at 9 oclock.
Tues 21 | drew plants over to Rabit Taymans in morning & planted Roberts piece of tob. in aft. R out at night. F out after supper to see how they were getting along graveling the road. hot.
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[[centered]]June Con[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Wed 22 | drew plants over to Taymans in morning & planted in aft. R bailed a little hay, had to stop it rained R out at night. Buldozing out where they had drilled for gas.
|sandy 1/2 day||8
Thurs 23 | drew plants and planted in morn & aft finished up. bailed & got in hay. Still buldozing trees between smiths road & here. hot. man to see about bailer. T to Dysons in morning. F and R took fertilizer & plants down on place. R out on corner at night. stormy & windy.
|sandy 1 day||10
Fri 24 | disked land and seved soy beans. took most all day. R worked on corner at night. Adina & Patty at night. Deboe finished buldozing
Sat 25 | put hay up in loft in morning. R out in morning. F & R over to Lipps in aft to Combine rye. Gnt and Florence in aft. R worked out on corner tonight. F to Dysons about night. rain at night. 
Sun 26 | R out on corner after Breakfast. F & R to Lipps combining rye rest of day. Brandt & Mrs Neal in morning. Cooler. finished over to Lips. F and I over there and got 2 settings to him eggs about night R out on corner at night. 
Mon 27 | started cutting wheat in aft. & robert took load to Georgetown at night. Maggie, Ruth & Norman in aft. F to Dysons in morning. Sandy helped in aft. washed.
Tues 28 | R got back about 9 oclock from G.T. F to Dysons in morning. Combined wheat in morning got gas for stove 1 tank - R put new body on truck. R took 1 load of wheat to G.T. in aft started cutting on Franklins by graveyard in aft. Lips boy helped. 
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