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[[centered]]July Con[[/centered]]  |B|E|E

Fri 12 | Noris worked in tobacco all day. R. raked up hay & started to bail, bailer wouldnt work took it to Waldorf in aft. F to BW in morning. Mrs. Via Adina & Pattie at night. cooler. R out on corner at night.
Wed 13 | R cut hay over on place in morn. F to B.W. in morn. & over to Minehearts he came & bailed up hay in morn & in aft. F & R. took hay to Gordon Baden in aft. nice day. got in hay. R out at night
Thurs 14 | F & R to Waldorf got baler back. started baling something got rong & got man from Waldorf. baled a few bales. Mrs. Shinerman, Mrs Cross in aft. hot & dry. Mary Tim & Timmie got in tonight.
Fri 15 | bailed & got in some hay. Wallace Robey in aft to bale & broke down. Men from Waldorf to work on our baler in aft. Mary F & F took traylor to Patuxant & to Conners in morn & to Conners at night.
Sat 16 | baled & got in hay all day [[underline]]hot[[/underline]] Mary & Tim & Timmie to Conners & back. Mary & Tim to see Lucy in aft & to Conners to supper. Brandt, Wallace R & 2 Lips at night [[?]] here all day helping in hay. Mrs Via Adina & Patty rain at night.
Sun 17 | Mary & Tim to Church. Grace Milton & Bourne in aft. Tim Timmie & Mary to Conners in aft. R out on Corner to work. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]]
Mon 18 | Mary & Tim to Conners in morn F & F to Clinton to get hair cut. fixed on baler. culivated tob. Wallace Robey. rain about night.
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[[centered]]July con[[/centered]] |B|E|E
Tues 19 | sewed soybeans. R culivated tob. peas & peas out on land cleaned up. Tim went to Charleston S.C in morn. R out at night.
|14||[[torn page]]
Wed 20 | cut hay. Wallace bailed straw over on place F & R got it in Mrs Canter to see Wallace, hot R out at night
Thurs 21 | got in hay over on place F to Waldorf in morn. Bob Via helped in aft. hot
Fri 22 | raked up & bailed hay and got it in. dug potatoes in morning. some hot. F  Marlboro in morn Mrs Via & Adina & Patty at night.
Sat 23 | F to Hewsville & Waldorf [[illegible]] R out in morn [[illegible]] Mary & Timmie in town until thurs. F to Dysons. Brandt. 
Sun 24 | F out on corner R out in morn & again and night. heavy rain in aft and night.
Mon 25 Archie [[??]] F & R took tobacco to Marlboro. Maggie Norman & Ruth to dinner man from [[illegible]] Mr Longyear [[illegible]] hay R raked up straw after super and up to see Bob Via.
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Transcription Notes:
Sat 16 on the second to last line the words are very faded and I am unsure exactly what they read. I wrote in my best guess with out [[ ]] because it would be the whole line. Same on entire entry on 21 Sat 23 alot is crossed off, and I could not figure it, so I left out what I could not make out