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[[centered]]Aug 1st[[/centered]] |B|E

Mon 1 Robert in woods cut hay by pond + burnt barn + out. F to Dysons in aft + to Dr Webbers at night got home 11 oclock. Tim came in from Charleston S.C. at night. R about night. hot. N didnt work.
Tue 2 Tim Mary + Timmie to Andrews. Conners. in town to Conners to supper. raked up hay in aft + baled it and got it in piece by pond. Hyde boy helped get it in. [[underline]] some [[/underline]] [[underline]] hot [[/underline]] [[underline]] 98 [[/underline]] . 
Wed 3 Mary Tim + Timmie left for S.C. in morning 8 [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]]. bailed hay and got it in. Man bought some trees. R took tobacco to Waldorf for some coon in aft. F to Dysons + corner. hot, driller brought pipes in for drill
Thurs 4 F + R fixed door over on other place in morning. R out in aft + night. F to Dysons + Waldorf in aft got home 9 oclock hot. sent box to Franklin. 
Fri 5 R out all day.F to Dysons in aft + Dr Webbers at night. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]]
Sat 6 heavy storm + rain in aft about 7 oclock sent Papers to Franklin at last. F to BW. + Brandts in morning. F + I over home to supper in aft [[underline]] some hot [[/underline]] R out in morning + again about night + work on corner tonight. Walter Smoot. F took tomatoes to Smoots about night. 
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[[centered]]Aug Con[[/centered]] |B|E
Sun 7 Kent for dinner. R worked from 2 to 12 at night out on corner. F on corner to call Wilkerson up Norman in aft stormy + rainy all day long. 
mon 8 rain all night and all day today. R out all day somewhere. F to BW in morning. Norman Ruth + Helen + boys in aft for short time. took Maggie back to Hospital this morning F out in aft. Mrs Via + Adina at night
Tue 9 cloudy most of day. R out somewhere all day. F to B.W. Mrs Smoots + Maggies in morning. Maggie isnt any better. Mr Longyear. Clyde Baden worked on shed in aft. Canned apples. 
Wed 10 R out on corner all day + part of night. F to Marlboro in morn + to Waldorf in aft. proped up shed. R + Mr Garner helped in aft. cloudy + showery most of day
Thurs 11 R out on corner all day + part of night. hot showers. F + I to Malboro in aft. F to Dysons + Helens in morn.
Fri 12 R out most of day. F to Dysons in morning. heavy rain + wind last night and all day today blue willow tree down. took tractor out on corner at night 
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Transcription Notes:
2 notes for this transcription. 1st although there is no clear separation of the 2 pages I have transcribed in as if it were in a note book as previous pages have been. 2nd. Although on the left hand side it starts with 'sun 7' and typically we read left to right, for cohesion I have stared on the right with the start of Aug.