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[[centered]]Aug Con[[/centered]] |B|E

Sat 27 | bugged potatoes in morning. R took gravel to man in Hights in morn + aft. 3 loads. F to Vias Maggie + Dysons in morning with Brandt to Croom to supper. R out in aft. Mrs Via Adina Maxzine Patty Adell + Charles to go down to pond about night.
Sun 28 | F to church. R out in aft. Grace Milton Bourne Willie Ann + Bill in aft. nice day
29 Mon | Cut tob and got it in all day. R out at night. Canned tomattoes cloudy
Tues 30 | F to BW + T.B. in morn. R to Hicks in morn. cut + got in tob all day. Mrs Via + Adina at night Mrs Garner + Francis. R out on corner at night 
[[this entry is written over International Correspondence Schools paper]]
Wed 31 | man from Wards garage to tell us Harry Townshend died hung up tob in morn. F to Helens in aft. R out on corner in aft + again at night. Mrs Hersh Fannie + Lonnie in aft (Dot Good). F to Ash box &c in aft. sewed Kale + turnip seed. topped tob.
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