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[[centered]]Sep Con.[[/centered]]  |B|E|E

Sat 17 | cloudy all day. R cut hay in morning N + Hyde boy cut tob and gathered leaves in morning and aft. R helped in aft. R went out about night & to work on corner tonight. F to Dysons in aft. Brandt + wife in aft
Sun 18 | cloudy most of day. R out most all day. worked on corner from 4 to 12. F + I over to see Grace + Tom in aft.
Mon 19 | R out on corner at night. heavy rain at night + heavy winds. Hurricane coming. F + R to Hewsville in aft with  piece to get fixed for corn picker. cut the last of Fs tob in morning + hung it up also tied leaves up in aft.
Tues 20 | Noris tied up leaves all day. nice day. F + R to Leonardtown gone all day. R out at night.
Wed 21 | R out in morning. F to Dysons in aft R cut hay in aft, Noris cleaned out corn houses + finished cutting tob. R out about night. nice day.
Thurs 22 | got tob in + hung it up. R took truck to Waldorf to get fixed. F to Dysons in aft + to Marlboro in morn. R out on corner in aft + out again at night. rainy + colder put stove up in dinning room.
Fri 23 | cloudy all day. R out all day + again at night. F + I to Margaret Wards in morn + to store for pickle things. F out on corner in aft.
Sat 24 | rain last night + today. R worked out on corner today. F to Dysons in aft. I made pickle.
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