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[[ centered]](Nov Con)[[/centered]]  |E|E

Fri 18 | got gas for tractors seeded wheat for Franklin R to Dysons for fertilizer.
Sat 19 | snow last night + this morning. turning to rain. R out in morn. F to Dysons in morn. no one worked. F, R & I to St Pauls turkey supper. R out at night.
Sun 20 | R out in morn + again at night to move some furniture for Hyde.
Mon 21 | no one worked. R cut pulp wood all day F + I to Margarets in aft. F to Post Office in morning. nice day. R out at night. sent package to Lucy from Clinton.
Tues 22 | R cut pulp wood all day. Noris pick up corn all day. F to Dysons in aft. &c B.W. sent coat to Franklin. Eugene Simmons in aft. nice day. got in corn.
wed 23 | R cutting pulp wood all day. Noris finished picking up the corn. Mr Via for hay. Kate in aft. F to corner + Dysons in aft. R out at night.
thurs 24 | R got pulpwood out in morning. Norman Earl Mr Deboe + Buddy gunning. F to Waldorf in aft Francis here to supper. colder.
Fri 25 | R got up pulp wood in morn + in aft got 2 loads of [[??] for fire wood. F out on Corner in morn. Mrs Via Adina at night. R out at night.
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