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[[centered]]Jan Con 1956[[/centered]] |B|E|E
Thurs 19 [[vertical line]] Bobbie [[Rallanby?]] got old baler in morining. R took load of corn to Georgetown for school.  F to Marlboro in morn. R took hay Marlboro in aft to race track. snowed most of day. R out on corner at night. 
Fri 20 [[vertical line]] R out in morning. F + R to Waldorf in aft for wheat of Franklins + to get saw fixed. R out on corner in aft. F on corner about night. did my first churning today. got gas for stove. R out at night.
Sat 21 [[vertical line]] R took truck to Waldorf in morn to get fixed. Francis brought him back + then took him down to get it. F to Dysons + Waldorf in aft. R out at night.
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Sun 22 [[vertical line]] R out in morning milton + Bourne in aft Bourne to Dr Badens. Francis in aft + to supper. warmer sloppy outside. Black cows calf.
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Mon 23 [[vertical line]] Aggie died. R took corn to Georgetown for school. also got truck fixed. Lips boy went with him he got tires. F out in morning + aft. Mrs Smoot + becky in aft. R out on corner at night. colder.
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Tues 24 [[vertical line] R out in morn again about night to town to see Francis. Mr Mace + Mr Smith in aft. Lips boy at night. colder N worked. F to B.W. + Brandt Earleys in aft + Dysons
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Wed 25 [[vertical line]] F R + I to Aggie funeral at Croom also to the house first in aft. R out in morning + to town to see his girl at night. Mrs Via + Adina at night. started snowing at night.
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Thurs 26 [[vertical line]] R gone most of day + again at night. F to B.W. to see Lonza E. in morn. F + I to see Maggie + up to see Margaret + Pattie in aft. Colder. N worked 1/2 day
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Fri 27 [[vertical line]] R out in morn. F to Dysons in morn. R cut wood out in woods in aft. Mr Garner Mrs Hersh & I to Washington to see Frances in aft. cold + cloudy.
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