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[[centered]]Jan Con 1956[[/centered]]  |B|E|E

Sat 28 [[vertical line]] R out most of day. F to Dysons + Waldorf in aft. Brandt + wife in aft. R to town at night to see his girl
[[horizontal line]]
Sun 29  [[vertical line]] rain last night. F out on corner in morn. Robert out on corner in morning. Mrs Hersh + 2 girls in morning. rainy day. R to Washington to see Francis at night
[[horizontal line]]
Mon 30 [[vertical line]] Joe + Norris stripped tob all day. rainy day. R out in morn + again at night colder tonight + windy. Mr Noris to see about lights they went out.
Tues 31 [[ vertical line]] F to Helens in morning to see how Maggie was. R out most of day + again at night. F on corner in aft. no one worked.
eggs 244 
Butter .60cts  
[[centered]]Feb 1st[[/centered]] |B|E|E

Wed 1 [[vertical line] R out in morn + again at night. F to Helens in morn + to corner + over on Washington place in aft. Mr Highfill about night.
Thurs 2 [[vertical line]] R to Glen Burney for furnace for Highfill gone all day. F to Dysons Conner + R. tayman in aft. Snow hail + rain last night, rainy today. electric man.
Fri 3 [[vertical line]] Joe + Noris stripped tob all day. R out in morn aft + again at night. rain all last night and most of today. man to see about getting gravel in aft. Mrs Via + Adina at night.
Sat 4 [[vertical line]] R out all day. F to Dysons in morn + on corner in aft. rain + sleet all day N worked 1/2 day. colder.
Sun 5 [[vertical line]] R out in morning + again at night. F + I to Vias in aft with 2 bales of hay. they had gone away so we went down to Deboes for short time. Lips boy, Pretty day.
Mon 6 [[vertical line]] no one worked. rainy day. R out in morning + at night. F to Rabit t + to corner in in morn. Mr Longyear. R killed dog in hen house
Tues 7 [[vertical line]] R out in morning, aft + night. F N. + Joe stripped tob all day. clear but colder.
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