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Fri 22 baled hay at Aises in aft [[left margin]]
August Con, 58
R to Laplates to haul gravel. got home at dinner time. Truck broke. F cut & got in tob hung up tob in morn. Cultivated potatoes R out at night. Conners to corners in aft to supper. F home with Adina. Frank to B.W. in morn, Brant in aft. E 9 [[right margin]]
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Sat 23 [[left margin]]
Coners returned to S.C. in morn. F + N to WUC for couch. R to work at Millers for day. Adina + I put corn in freezer F to B.W. F + F to St. Pauls in aft to take Lucys  ashes. F home with A. Mr Fairbank.
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Sun 24 [[in right columns]] 
rain last night. R out in morn aft + night. Grace + fam in aft rain about and at night. hot. 
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Mon 25 [[in left corner]]
ran all last night + all day today R out most of day. F + A worked on house all day. Mr Fairbanks to dinner. F home with Adina about night. 
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Tues 26 [[in left margin]]
F + A worked on house all day. Cousin Genie died. R out most of day no work. rain last night cloudy today F home with A at night. 
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Wed 27 [[ in left column]] 
R out most of day + at night. cut tob in aft topped tob. F to B.W. + Mrs Smoots. F home with Adina at night. nice day. R to Virginia about night. 
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Thurs 28 [[left columns]]
R worked at plant part of day. hung up tob. topped tob. cut tob out in woods. F put in pipe from well to his house. F home with Adina at night. cloudy + cool. 
8 [[in left column]]