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  September. 58 
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Fri 5
F bailed hay for Mr Via. R over to plant to work. R to fire house about night. Frank & Coons got in & cut tob all day. Adina after work & picked up Mrs Via after work. 
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Sat 6
 F took tomatoes to Mrs Smoot [[underline]] hot [[/underline]]  hung up tob & topped tob rest of day. F & A worked on house. Mr & Mrs Conner twice. Mr C worked over at house. R over to plant & home & to fire house &c. Frank to Waldorf in aft got home about 9 oclock drunk & hot. F with Adina down home at night.
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Sun 7 
 F over on Washington place in morn. R home in morn & to fire house in aft & night. F & I down to Brandts about night for few minutes heavy wind & rain in aft.
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Mon 8 

R over to plant to work. Franklin to W.D.C. in morn. Frank to F Wards & Hicks in morn. N topped tob in morn. He & Joe cut tob in aft. F home with Adina at night in town.
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Tues 9 
finished cutting tob & getting it in & hung up. R worked at plant. Margaret, Pattie & I to Carrol Co for peaches gone all day. F home with A at night. R out at night. 
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Wed 10 

F + F up to Belair farm for day with people from Association Mr Via went also. R worked at plant. Rabit T. N tied up leaves & cut bushes all day. I canned peaches. Ruth & norman in aft. 
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