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            Sep Con 58 

Tues 30
cloudy in morn fixed wagon in morn. F & F to Frank Wards started picking corn. F & F with cross up to Central Ave in aft. R didnt work. Adina F with her home.

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          October. 1. 1958
Wed 1 
rain all last night & today. F in town in morn. R out in morn. Frank to post Office in morn & to Bank. R out in aft &night. F & F to Lucilles Frank Wards. & to P.O. to send box to Mae Early. & to meet Adina after work & home with her 
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Thurs 2 
F bulldozed on road size in morn. Picked corn in aft. colder. Brandt in aft. R out most of day. F to Waldorf in aft. gone till 6 oclock [[underline]] drunk & hot [[/underline]] Adina after work F home with her
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Fri 3 
cloudy & showers in aft. F worked over at house most of day. clipped some wood. put windows in tenant house. R out in morn aft & at night Adina F home with her.
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Sat 4 
F A & I killed & put in freezer 16 chickens. F & R buldozed side of road. F to BW dealing. F & F down on place &c. F to Hicks. F home with Adina at night. nice day. 
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Sun 5 
F. A. Mr & Mrs Via in morn for few minutes went to Middletown. R out in morn aft & at night. Milton Grace & Bourne in aft. nice day. 
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Mon 6 
R took a load of corn to Baltimore in morn baled hay & got it in. Picked corn on lower place. R out at night. Adina after work F home with her. Mr Cockran at night light frost. 
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