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               October con 58
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Tues 7.
R up at 3 oclock & took a load of corn to Rogers Wilkins & he & Frank took a load to Baltimore in aft. got back at 8 oclock. F bailed some hay for Bilinsley in aft. Adina after work. F home with her. nice day. 
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Wed 8 
R over to plant in morn. F worked over at the house in morn & picked corn down on place in aft. R hauled a load here to go to market tomorrow. Adina & Mrs Via F home with them F to Waldorf gone all aft. [[underline]] high [[/underline]] R out at night 
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Thurs 9
R took load of corn to Balto in morn & down on place in aft & got more corn. Adina & Mrs Via. F home with her. F to T.B. nice day
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Fri 10 
F & R to Baltimore with 2 loads of corn started 5 oclock got back about 2 oclock. Mrs Hurst & kids in aft for short while. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]] F & R down on lower place in aft. picking corn. rain Adina. F home with her 
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Sat 11 
R over to Plant. F finished picking corn on lower place. Adina worked at house all day. F home with her. F & I to Oyster Supper at B & A fire house. colder. 
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Sun 12 
F took rake over on Hollis place in morn. R to Balto with corn at night. R over there in aft & baled hay. F. A. + I up to see Uncle Charley in aft. F to old Dots in aft. colder -F & R over to Browns in morning . A & F to Vias at night.
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Mon 13
F & A moved in house today. R to Baltimore in morn & again at night with corn. F picked corn all day. cloudy. 
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