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Tues 21

F picked Oct. Con. 58 - n worked corn all day & got it in. R over to plant in morn. & out in aft & night, cold & windy. 

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Wed 22

rain last night & all day today. F & F to Waldorf in morn.  Frank back down there in aft got home about 6 [[underline]] high [[/underline]] R out in morn & aft & night. F worked on tractor in aft. n didn't work

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Thurs 23

R worked at plant 1/2 day & out in aft & night. F to B.W. & Bank, F & A here to supper hot. N didn't work. Brandt & Mrs. Neill in aft. 

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Fri 24

R took load of corn to Baltimore this morn. & out in aft. F hauled gravel for fixing ceptink tank & fixed it put top on it. loaded up corn & hay to go out in morn little colder

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Sat 25

R took corn to Baltimore. F took 2 loads of hay to Burroughs in morn. FW B.W. in morn. F & A to races & store colder. R out at night

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Sun 26

R out in morn. Aft & at night.  [[underline]] Mr Paten. [[/underline]] F to Goldsmiths funeral in aft. I with Brandt & Mrs. O'Neill to turkey supper at firehouse.  Mrs. Via at night.

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Mon 27

R out all day grading for Burness. dug & got in potatoes, F did some disking F & F down to Astgransco to Ler Bowens farm colder. B of V

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Tues 28

R worked for Beavers all day. F seeded wheat in morn & picked corn in Aft. Much colder & windy all day cloudy

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