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                         Oct Con 58
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Wed 29

R worked for Beavers all day. F picked corn & got it in all day long. Brandt & Mrs ONeill in aft. A & F to supper. nice day.
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Thurs 30

R worked for Beavers all day. F picking corn got it in from over on place. nice day windy. F & R took truck with wheat & fertilizer down on place at night. R out at night.
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Fri 31

R worked for Beavers most of day. F & F seeded & drilled wheat down on place all day. Tootie, Etta & David in aft. Bob Via in aft R out at night.
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                       November 1 [[underline]]st.[[/underline]]

Sat 1

R worked over at plant in morn. [[insertion]] nice day [[/insertion]] F finished picking corn in aft & fixed tob beds out in woods. I with Brandt to supper at Croom. F & A to Vias for night. R out at night.
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Sun 2

F to Browns & Amene in morn. Rabit T at dinner time. R out in aft. & night rain all last night + today & still raining. F & I to see Margaret in aft.
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Mon 3

F, F & N hauled wood & clipped it up in morn. F worked over at the house in aft & had to go take Robert Lees pick up truck to him he turned the big truck over. F down there in his car.  Nice day but windy. R out at night. F & A to sears Roebuck, man from Balto for cement buckets in aft Colder
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Tues 4

Cleaned out drains clipped wood. buldozed on road side. got rose bushes. F, F & R voted. nice day. Milton & Bourne in aft with cream &c R out most of day & again at night.
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