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              Feb Con 59
                          | E

Fri 27

F & R took up mamoso tree & planted it at Franklins. N stripped tob all day. Mr. Gray in aft. F & R & fire Co burnt of field at Mr Robinsons at night. nice day.
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Sat 28

F & A to Wash in morn. F to Bank & do dealing in morn. F & F took hay down on place in aft. Frank out in aft dont know where he went got hom 6 oclock drinking 
R home in morn for few minutes. lovely day. F. A & F to see Uncle Charley at night.
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                     March 1st - 59

Sun 1
R home to breakfast & gone rest of day & night. F & A down to her home for day. F over on Washington place in morn. [[?]] boys for hay. Mr & Mrs. Clark in aft. also Kent. Bobbie his wife & kids. nice day.
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Mon 2

R home to breakfast & gone rest of day. Franklin to Dysons for tob bed fertilizer in morn. Made tob beds today. F started plowing down by little spring in aft. graded road. Frank to Dysons &c about night. colder. Mr. Via
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Tues 3

F & F hauled slabs in morn. & took loader off tractor in morn. man with [[underline]] gas for stove [[/underline]]. F had to go get tire for big disk put it on & went down to Mr Robinsons to disk around field for burning. nice day. planted rose bushes in aft.
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Wed 4

Frank & N got a load of slabs in morn. N planted rose bushes in aft. F buldozing down in meadow down there all day. R home to breakfast. [[strikethrough]] F took man down on place to look at timber gone all aft. got home. [[/strikethrough]] F to Waldorf in aft gone till 6 oclock. real drunk. & high
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Transcription Notes:
Sun 1 - [[?]] == Lips