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              Mar Con 59

                   | E sold | E

Sun 29

F & I to Croom to six oclock service. F A to Brandywine Church also Robert Lee Mr & Mrs Via, & Louise Campbell for dinner. nice day but real cold. R didnt come home to dinner. 
                            | 23


Mon 30
rain last night & all day today colder F worked on Buldozer most of day. R brought old car here & worked on that all day. N didnt work
                  | 1.00    | 26


Tues 31

N stripped tob all day. R home in morn. F & F to Marlboro in morn F worked on Buldozer in aft Jack Leyson at night
                           | 24


              April 1st 1959
Wed 1

Joe & N stripped tob all day. R home in morn & aft. F worked on Buldozer all day long. nice day.
                  |  .50   | 20


Thurs 2

rain last night all day today heavy & windy. N stripped tob all day. F worked on buldozer & R worked on car. Man for hay. F $ & Nelson caught Rabit + calf.
                           | 20


Fri 3

N & J stripped tob all day. heavy rain & storm at night. F over in Virginia in morn. F. A & I to see Uncle Charley at night.
                           | 27

Sat 4

N & J stripped tob 1/2 day. windy Mr. Noyes & boys to camp out. R went fishing in aft. F delivered some wood in aft. R out in morn aft &c F out in morn to Bank & dealing. F out in aft to Waldorf. Got home 9 [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]] real drunk & mad. Nellie Ford at night.
                          | 12


Sun 5

F over on Washington place in morn. Milton Grace & Bourne in aft. nice day. but windy. F & A. down home for the day.
                 |  .50   | 18

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