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              May Con 59
                    |E sold  |

Thurs 7

Planted garden. R disked land on Robinsons place all day & at night. F to B.W. hot Mr. Martin
                             | 21


Fri 8

Franklin planted corn on Robinsons place all day. Aunt Pattie & Margaret Aunt Pattie to dinner. M back in aft. Brandt & Mrs ONeill in aft. R disked land all day & at night I with F & A to [[Giant?]] at night
                            | 24


Sat 9

Franklin sewed soy beans on Robinsons place all day. F to Waldorf in morn & all aft. got home 1[[underline]]30[[/underline]] high & hot. R took Dysons tractor home for him in aft. F & A to Mrs Vias at night.
                           | 26


Sun 10

Cold & windy. R home to breakfast. F to tob beds & over on place. Judy in aft for few minutes. cold & windy. R home at night.
                           | 24


Mon 11

Frank to Brandywine & C. R didnt work. R home in aft gone on Fireman Parade at night. Don Shampon in aft. F disked land and sewed soy beans all day. hot & dry. N worked planted watermelons & canterlopes in morn.
                           | 25


Tues 12

Don disked land most of day. F  to Waldorf to get some welding done. F seeded soy beans in aft. R home to dinner. he didnt work. hot rain about night & wind. N picked tob beds.
                   | .50  | 18


Wed 13

J & N stripped tob all day. rainy day. Robert Mae & Paula here for the day. F & Don to Jack Dysons & to get hair cut. Frank to Bank & store in morn. Joe Duley
                  | .50   | 24

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