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           May Con 59

               | E sold  | E

Wed 27

Franklin planted tob here all day. Jack Dyson & coons helped.
J & N stripped top finished Franklins. R worked corn all day. nice day. F to B.W. &c in morning.
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Thurs 28

F worked garden & got tank from Lonzer early in morn. seeded soy beans & helped Jack Dyson plant tob in aft. R worked corn in Robinsons place for Franklin all day. F to B.W. in aft & took tomato plants to Mrs Holt. hot.
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Fri 29

R took tob to market for someone in morn. back & disked land most of day. F seeded soy beans in aft. F to B.W. & Bank in aft. some hot. F helped Jack Dyson plant tob in aft.
                | .25  |  7


Sat 30

F buldozed out in wood getting ready for tob. R moved his trayler in here this morning. F & R watered tob beds at night. hot. F to Hicks &c.
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Sun 31

cloudy with light showers in morning. Mr. Nickleson in aft. F & A down to Vias for day. R to fire house about noon.  Bettie Jack & baby at night. Cooler
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          June. 1. 1959

Mon 1

Franklin finished planting tob. Frank started planting tob. R disked land also culivated some corn for Jack Dyson. cloudy with showers all day. R out at night. Franklin sold his tob & took it away. about night trucks from Ryans came & got it cooler.
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Tues 2

Franklin helped Jack Dyson plant tob in morn got home around 2 oclock & went to Marlboro. R out in morn & he & Laddie Townsend out in aft. rainy day. N stripped & replanted some tob. F to Waldorf in aft. got home. 8 oclock half high. heavy rain in aft
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