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             June Con. 59

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Wed 17
F worked on waggon all day. R left for Ocean City in morn. F & N planted potatoes & black eye peas all day. Cold & showers. A went to work today. Mr & Mrs Conner at night. 
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Thurs 18

F worked on parker place in morn also went up on Central Ave F down on lower place in morn. F. A & I to Washington in aft. nice day but cold. 
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Fri 19

F to agnasta & got gas for corn & put it on in morn & aft. F to Waldorf in morn to get brake linings. Man to see dryer in aft. F to Waldorf & Duleys in aft. real high. nice day. N worked in garden.
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Sat 20

F to Waldorf & got his gas tank in aft. also there in morn R home from Ocean City in aft. got nice fish. R to fire house at night. F started combining wheat in aft. F to BW. in aft put beets in freezer. warmer
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Sun 21

nice day. F. I. F. Margaret & Pattie up to see Henry for day. Mr & Mrs Via & Bet to Fs for day.
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Mon 22

R fixed Jack Dysons truck to haul wheat. F combined & dryed wheat all day. Mrs Conner in morning for straw. Don Shampox. R to fire house at night. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]]
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Tues 23

F combined & dryed wheat all day. Jack Dyson took one load to Washington Don baled straw F & coons got it in R culivated tob & soy beans. R out at night nice day.
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