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                       June Con. 59

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Wed 24

Combined dryed wheat all day long. Baled straw & got it in. F to Waldorf for piece for baler. R & Don took load of wheat to Washington in morn. [[underline]] hot [[/underline]] Jack Bettie & baby at night.
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Thurs 25

Combined wheat over on place in aft. R & Don took wheat to W.D.C. & then took it from there to Baltimore gone all day. hot. Baled some straw & got it in. N worked for Jack Dyson all day down on Parker place. Mrs Erma Dyson.
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Fri 26

dryed wheat in morn & F took it to Washington in aft. Baled & got in straw. N worked for Dyson all day. R out at night. Don went back to Camp in aft. [[underline]] some hot [[/underline]]
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Sat 27

F Combined wheat for Jack Dyson. R baled straw in aft. R down on lower place with Beavers. some hot & dry. F to Bank & store in morn & Waldorf in aft gone till 8[[underline]]30[[/underline]] hot & mad. Kent Doris & children at night &c
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Sun 28

hot 104 & dry. R took load of wheat to Wilkins Rogers last night for Jack Dyson I went with Brandt to supper at B & A fire house [[underline]] &c [[/underline]] F & A down on place & to Parkers place & Conners in aft. R out most of day and again at night
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Mon 29

F combined wheat down on place & R bailed some straw & got it in. R to W.D.C. with load of wheat about night. F to Waldorf in morn stayed till 12 [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]] high & hot. hot & dry.
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Thurs 30

F Combined wheat at Billinseys all day. R bailed straw in morn & got it in in aft from down on lower place. F took hay to GW Meads in aft in car. still hot & dry.
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