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               July Con. 59.
                            |  E

Tuesday 14  
cloudy & rainy F & Lippes to sell timber in morning. N worked in tob 1/2 day. back & F to tob market in Waldorf gone all day long got home 6 oclock high & hot Mr Barkley in aft. R to Marlboro to work for Southern States. F & A to Marlow Hights in aft. F to Washington early in morn to get piece of glass. Mrs Conner in morn  
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Wed 15 
R out in morn. F & F down on place & to Bank in aft. F & A to Dr in town in aft. Mr. Barkley in aft. R hauled tob to market for Goldsmith. R out at night. Ellen & Bessie Wilson in aft. rainy morning, N didnt work 
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Thurs 16 
N worked in tob all day. F & F to Bowie &c with Jack Cross in aft. A & I to Clinton in aft. R didnt work today went to fire house. Cloudy in morn clear in aft. 
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Fri 17 
R worked for Southern Sates all day. Franklin buldozing. Gantt & Florence in aft. N worked in tob, R to fire house at night 
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Sat 18 
F buldozed all day. R out in morn & worked potatoes in aft. F to Bank & to do dealing in morning N worked in tob all day. F to Dysons in aft. R Laddy Townsend & Cecill fishing down here in pond
Mr + Mrs Via at Fs at night
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Sun 19 
R home to supper & gone out at night. F & I over home in aft. Frank Ward & others fishing down here in pond in aft. hot. storm about night. 
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