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                      July Con. 59.
                                    |  E

Tues 28
Got 1 tank gas for stove. Made crabapple jelly & Apple Butter. F buldozed down by Coon house & got stuck. some hot. R here to dinner & gone again. 
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Wed 29 
R home to breakfast & gone rest of day. Meinheart pulled buldozer out for Franklin in morn. F & A to Drs in aft heavy storm + rain in aft.                              
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Thurs 30 
Painted Franks room. F & R took hay to someone over near piscatay in aft. hot R to fire house. 
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Fri 31 
washed woodwork & floor up today. rain all afternoon & stormy. R home to breakfast & out rest of day. Frank to Brandywine in morn. F buldozed down by pond & got stuck.  rain in aft heavy                      
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                        August [[?]] 1959
                                    |  E

F. F. & A down to Katies to sale gone most of day. F A & I down at night. I with Brandt to St Peters supper. Helen Earl & boys at night. F did dealing in aft. nice day. 
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Sun 2 
R home to dinner. F + A to Clinton for paper in morn & down to pond fishing in aft. F over on Washington place in morn. F & I up to see Pattie & Margaret. Mr & Mrs Via at Franklins 
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Mon 3 
F & R to Marlboro in morn & from there to Waldorf got home [[530??]] F high & hot. R to work. F took combine to Waldorf. Don about 1 oclock. Turner to look at bulldozer. F & A out at night. nice day 
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