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                     Aug Con 59
                              |  E

Mon 24 
N didnt work - R out most of day. F worked on combine all day. Man from asociation in morn. Nelson in morn. put corn in freezer Mr Lips brought. F to Dyson about night to see about beans. showers in aft. F to BW in morning stormy at night. 
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25 Tues 
Mr & Mrs Via at Fs for day. F fixed his tractor. R out in morn. Robert & N cut tob finished cutting. hot R out at night. Mrs Conner. 
                              |  7


Wed 26 
R to fire house gone all day. F fixed more & cut hay in morn got in & hung up last of Franks tobacco in morn. F to Waldorf after dinner & then to take Adina to Drs. F took Noris to pick beans at Bartons at & B in aft than went to Waldorf got home high & hot. some [[underline]] hot [[/underline]]
                              |  6


Thurs 27 
F worked up at barn in morn. Baled up some loose hay in aft & loaded it up to sell stormy. R out in morn & again at night. F cut grass in his yard, froze string beans. 
                              |  9


Fri 28 
R to fire house in morning after taking hay to Lee Micle. F painted chest in morning. F to BW & Bank in morning. raked Baled & got in hay in aft. some hot F & A to look at tob at night. 
                              |  6


Sat 29 
unloaded hay in morn, R worked on his truck. baled & got in hay in aft cloudy & hot. I with Brandt to Croom supper. Mr & Mrs Conner for few minutes. R out at night 
                               |  7

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Transcription Notes:
pretty sure it is Lee Micle and not Dr Micle -- compared it to other instances of Dr Baden and Robert Lee